4 Reasons to Store Your Mobile Data in the Cloud

Cloud computing is evolving like never before with companies of all shapes and sizes adopting this new technology. Industry experts believe that this trend will only continue to grow and develop further over the next few years. If used properly and to the extent necessary, working with data in the cloud can vastly benefit individuals and all types of businesses.

Security of Mobile Data in Cloud Storage

When you use cloud storage with your mobile device, you do not have to worry about the security of your data. Usually people hack into smartphones through public Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection and steal the private information of the victim. Now, you can avoid all that by storing your private data in cloud storage so that it is securely placed in an encrypted server and no one except you can access it.

4 Reasons to Store Your Mobile Data in the Cloud

Backing Up Files on Cloud Storage Makes them Safe

Hackers are not the only threat to mobile devices as there are several viruses and malwares that can corrupt the storage of a smartphone—making it necessary to reformat it. If you already have a backup of all your files secured on cloud storage, you will not have to worry about your files getting corrupted in the physical memory. In addition to that, keeping a cloud-based backup of your files protects your data in the event something gets deleted by mistake, so it’s recoverable later. It can also help you recover your information if your phone gets damaged or lost.

Cloud Storage Makes Sharing of Files Easy and Secure

We use different services like emails, apps and physical drives to transfer our files to different people who need them. Not only are these services limited in terms of file size, but some of them are not safe as well. On the other hand, when you have cloud storage, you can easily share any kind of file already stored in your cloud storage by just sharing the file or passing on a link.

Extra Space for Low End Mobile Devices

The portability feature of cloud storage is why we can say that in these times it is the best option for all smartphone users. There are many advantages of a cloud storage service for non-mobile systems but for a mobile device, there are even more benefits. For example, let’s talk about people who cannot afford a premium smartphone. Instead, they buy a low end or mid-range smartphone that usually doesn’t have sufficient storage space. Most of these low end devices don’t come with the support of a microSD card, and in this case, only cloud storage is the perfect solution for all such users.

When it comes to working with data and files on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, one of the most crucial issues concerns data storage –  where and how the data is going to be stored, accessed, updated and backed up. Cloud storage assumes storing data in the cloud and making it accessible irrelevant of location and, sometimes, irrespective of terminal type. In a mobile cloud computing scenario, both mobile apps and data are stored and run directly from the cloud increasing the relevancy of network servers, data center infrastructure and efficient network delivery while decreasing the importance of the storage capacity and processing power of the end-user device itself.

Author Bio: Sarah Hendricks who is a security expert on protecting users and businesses from hackers and data leakage and frequently contributes content on behalf of antiVirus Software by NQ.com.