The achievement of closer clients with bulk SMS techniques is now more realistic than ever before. The usage of SMS advertising techniques will directly target buyers and achieve a high level of interaction with them because these are people who live with their smart phones and very rarely turn them off. Various research projects have verified that SMS as a means of promotion of products and services is cheaper and more effective than most conventional forms of promotion such as print media, radio, or television.
SMS bulk voice calls can be pre-recorded and sent to mobile or landline phones across a wide geographical area. The bulk calls are automated and can be auto dialed to literally hundreds of numbers all at once using digital managed lists. As soon as the recipient receives the call, the voice message will begin to play. This has been proven to be the most penetrating method of getting a specific message out to a large audience with a personalized message in the most efficient and effective manner.
The use of SMS to send bulk voice messages has the ability to send a personal message to massive amounts of people with one click of the mouse. This is now used by many organizations such as banks, media companies, consumer brands such as entertainment, mobile alerts, and a whole host of mobile marketing companies.
Since the whole premise of SMS marketing is to target people who always have their phones on point, so to speak, there is always an audience that is ready to hear something of value. It is fairly well established that people will know that they are getting a message of some kind, because their phone is alerting them to that fact. The effectiveness of the entire promotion will rest upon how attractive that message is in order to judge the final result.
The mechanics of such an enterprising effort include the actual validation of contacts, to confirm that the number that is being called really is a mobile number and that it is a number that has not previously opted out. There is also documentation of the results of messages that have already been sent, such as “Message Delivered”, or “Message Rejected”, for example. By having these statistics available, the system will know who is still in the pipeline and who can still be marketed to.
Another huge marketing advantage that obtaining closer clients with Bulk SMS marketing is texting. Certainly with an already established list of people who are already clients, a bulk communications system can use non-invasive texting to keep them up to date with events and ongoing information that is pertinent to them as clients.
When we get to people who have never heard of you, however it can get a little more complicated because we do not want to be seen as “invasive”. That is where texting can be a valuable way to approach new people, especially when they have a way to opt out if they are not interested. Statistics have shown, however that if the initial message is interesting enough most people will probably at least look at it out of curiosity, if nothing else. Receiving Bulk SMS text messages is now a foregone conclusion for most owners of smart phones and is like breathing to them. It is inexpensive to use and is full accepted as a business tool for communication purposes.
The entire system of Bulk SMS messaging rests solely on the law of large numbers. Since almost everything is stored digitally, it is a simple matter to purchase vast amounts of mobile numbers at a time. While there has been some kickback about privacy, as of yet there has not been a huge mobilization of crying about spamming being a big issue.
Much of the objection power has been taken away by sophisticated opt-in methods that take away some of the sting of being “interrupted” by a new voice message or text message. It is certain that the numbers of marketing to establish closer clients with bulk SMS will continue to grow. The tradeoff for obtaining larger results via greater exposure is worth the risk of displeasure among the few. This trend will probably continue as long as the net results are positive.