Amazon’s Android Appstore Getting Ready

The upcoming Amazon Appstore is revolutionary in that it invites programmers from around the globe to propose Android applications for sale through the site. Amazon will be different from the other App-stores in the pricing system as well. Even when the developer can set the list price, it is Amazon who will set the actual application price and a royalty will be paid to the developer. The royalty payment is in accordance to Amazon’s developer license agreement.

amazon Android app store

Amazon is welcoming developers to join the program. However, all the innovative apps will not be made available at the store. The developed applications would be tested by Amazon before they are made available in the Appstore. Though not clear how critical the testing would be, owing to the varied Android devices, all possible chances of impairment to device functionality and data will be thoroughly looked into.

Amazon also demands reasonable technical and product support from the developer as mentioned in their license agreement. The developer would be answerable to the end user as well as Amazon in cases of complications. The Amazon Appstore would find itself in the middle ground between the liberal Google’s Android market and the controlled Apple Appstore. With the Android market expanding, the Appstore launch is to be expected later this year.