Android’s Hardware Failure Rate is Higher than Other Smartphones

Nothing in this world has been created with same features so as Smartphones. WDS has proven this by conducting a yearlong study on customer service support by taking 600,000 tech supported calls. Study reveals that Android enable phones suffer more hardware flunk than other smartphone devices.

Hardware Failure Rate is Higher than Other Smartphones

Vice President Marketing of WDS commented that the problem is not with Android platform, but with the Smartphone devices and these problems of failure are coming on surface because of low standard Smartphone devices in marketplace, raising the failure rate of Android based Smatphones, not the high quality Smartphones.

VP marketing of WDS says, “It’s the openness of Android phones, which has enabled the ecosystem to grow at a phenomenal rate, and it’s this success that is proving challenging.”

Study reveals very important fact that those operating systems have high failure rate, which do not manufacture hardware devices, adding, Android phones carry huge replacement cost to the carriers. Android’s hardware failure calls were 14 percent of the total Technical supported calls, while Windows phones stand behind with 11 percent failure calls, Apple’s iOS with 7 percent and RIM’s blackberry is at last rank with only 6 percent calls.

Android is the most popular platform of Smartphones, so its total cost is higher for the carrier than all other OS. The study gives no details about repairing or refunding of any other Smartphone device and does not warn the consumer against buying Android phones, but it let you think about the quality of phone you are going to buy.