Are Customers Finding Your Business Online? 6 SEO Techniques To Improve Online Visibility

So, you’ve launched a website, and now you’re wondering where the traffic is. The cold, hard truth is that you can run the best website in the world, but it will be worthless without traffic. Many experts agree that SEO (search engine optimization) is the most effective strategy for improving online visibility. These are six techniques you should be using to improve SEO and gain more exposure for your website.

Go Mobile

You might be surprised to find that Google now penalizes websites that do not offer mobile-friendly content. This (and similar moves from other search engines) was implemented as an effort to satisfy mobile users’ increasing demand for responsive design. This is why it’s incredibly important that you create a mobile-friendly site. Luckily, creating a website that appeases both desktop and mobile users has become quite easy. Talk to your hosting provider about possible options, or look into using free or paid mobile site builders.

Use Practical Link-Building Strategies

You likely know that Google’s algorithm gives preferential treatment to websites with lots of outside links, but you might not know what types of links are the most important. Spammy link-building practices are no longer acceptable under Google’s terms, and your website can and will be penalized if you happen to be using them. It’s best to work with a Boston SEO Company for the best results. SEO experts know what works and can help you to reach clients both locally and nationally.

Provide Valuable Content

Now more than ever, Google’s search algorithm hinges heavily on quality content. Simply put, any content that Google deems as spam or recycled nonsense will be heavily penalized. Therefore, you will need to offer your visitors information that is useful to them. A good way to determine whether or not you’re producing quality content is to research a blog/content idea before implementing it. How many times has this same subject already been covered? How much information is included in the existing articles/sites/content? Likewise, you should also updated outdated content so that it is still searchable and relevant.

Use a Site Map

There’s a decent chance that, when crawling, search engines are missing crucial pages on your site. You can prevent parts of your website essentially being silenced by supplying a site map. When a search engine crawls your website, it will detect the site map and use it to index your site much more thoroughly. Therefore, your visibility will be significantly increased.

Add a Blog

Blogging is a great way to add updated to content to your website. Additionally, an on-site blog is a great means for advertising your services in the event that the user lands on a blog post from a search engine. It’s extremely easy to set a blog up, and fortunately, it doesn’t take long at all to come up with great content if you are well-versed in your industry.

Use Analytics Services

Lastly, you can easily boost your visibility by using analytics software to measure the success of your current online marketing strategy. For instance, if you’re testing out a new batch of keywords, you can easily see via analytics whether or not these keywords are bringing in a necessary amount of traffic. Without analytics, you would need to rely on guesswork to understand how well your strategy is working.

Because the world of SEO and search engine technology is always changing, it’s a good idea to stay up on current trends and changes. If you can, subscribe to popular SEO blogs and websites to receive instant updates on changes to online search, website optimization, and online marketing.

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