Best Practices For Making Your Blog Stand Out

A blog is essentially a reflection of its owner. However, you’re competing for attention and traffic on the web, just like a million other bloggers.

A proper SEO initiative requires active blogging with all the right content, blogging platform and relevant topics. So what do you do to make compelling content that stands out? Stick around and take a read!

Listings Sell

Flip over to the NBA Network and the latest NBA draft, Hall of Fame or NBA All Star lists pop up one way or another.

The very reason any dedicated sports network gives away these “extras” is because people absolutely love lists – they just take them in without much thought and it doesn’t take a lot to digest. And that’s the general idea – to offer something worthwhile to dedicated fans.

When you go online, all this stuff is not only easy to find but interesting to read as well, since it’s all formatted with headings, bold font subheaders and ordered lists.

Lists are among a blogger’s closest friends: they attract links much easier than other forms of content and are more likely to get shared. In the end, you’re looking at higher traffic, visibility and organic search engine rankings.

Best Practices For Making Your Blog Stand Out

Controversy Sells Big Time

We human beings just love controversial topics, don’t we? Take Sarah Palin for example; America was simply fascinated with her due to the controversy she created by almost everything she did. There was a love/hate relationship going on, but she managed to stay in the news.

Blogging about controversial content is actually a very effective way of getting people to read your blog, share it and leave comments by the numbers. This drives activity and social signals. Though, we need to tread carefully as we can’t just cough up anything on the internet and expect controversy to be the backbone.

Claims must always be supported by facts. Blanket statements not supported by facts is a one-way ticket to having your blog backfire on you. You see, people are more than willing to tolerate controversy coupled with personal opinions, as long as there are concrete facts or figures backing them up.

It’s also good practice to go with a topic you’re well versed in. The absence of facts or even lack of know how when discussing a controversial subject, sticks out like a red flag against a clear sky – it can badly damage your credibility. Most important of all, whatever controversy you throw in your blog must add value; it shouldn’t come off as cheap, offensive or hateful.

Loyal readers are what you’re after, not driving traffic away or hate groups leveling allegations against you.

Maintain Your Position

Why not shed some light on current events to sell your blog more? Get noticed by taking a stand. Use objective facts but do remember to voice your own personal opinion as well.

You might be wondering what the best way to do that might be. Jon Stewart’s Daily Show is an excellent example – aside from all that he’s reporting, he also manages to (hilariously) throw his own opinions in the mix.

Dennis Miller is another comedian who’s mastered this art well and does it all being a lot more overt too.

Be a Problem-solver

You’ll see many blog titles beginning with a “How to” or “Best Ways of..” to instantly lure readers. There are always problems in the universe that need solving!

When readers come across content which tells them solutions to their problems is just a read away, they’ll be hooked in no time. As long as you can continue to provide viable and real solutions to real problems, they’ll be back, you can bet on it.

Dig up commonly asked or popular questions in your niche and find the most complete and practical solution. Write it down in easy-to-follow directions for your readers and use video where appropriate.

You’ll likely come across many businesses claiming to be industry experts, but what people are looking for is proof. They want to see it, rather than just have someone tell them what to do. So in the end, your problem-solving abilities and showing your readers how to solve those problems, is what positions you as an authoritative source. And this builds trust.

Incorporate these content tactics to outshine your competitors and make your blog universally popular. If your blog isn’t already a medium which builds credibility, authority and brand awareness, it’s time to bring a change. It’s time to incorporate these strategies to drive better traffic, more leads and higher sales.

Happy blogging!