The mark of an excellent circular saw always rests in its blade and its capacity to cut easily through dense hardwood or wet lumber, without slowing down. In most low quality saws, the slowing of the motor results in the heating of the blade, which in turn makes it dull. As a result of this, not only does the saw start giving bad cuts, but it also puts its handler in danger;the blade climbs out of the kerf and pushes the saw backwards i.e. towards whosoever is using it, thus hurting them.
So how does one asses the value of a good saw? Sure, there are motor readings, but not many people know that they are not entirely accurate. For example, when discussing horsepower, most companies take into account the saw’s torque (rotational force) but fail to mention under what working conditions the saw will give that force. And when using the term “amps” most saws only inform you about the electricity they will draw, but not the actual power drawn by the blade itself.
But thankfully, when it comes Bosch power tools, such ambiguity is never an issue. The company’s made a name for itself in the international market when it comes to power tools. This is exactly why the announcement of its 12-inch sawcreated a lot of ripples in the tool industry.
Cutting through huge pieces of wood is not going to be a problem now, seeing that the 14-inch reach of the saw at 0 degrees lets you cut two 2 x 12s at once.The saw has a 6-1/2-inch crown against the fence at a 45-degree angle, which means trim carpentry is going to be a breeze. Add to it the machine’s capacity to cut through a 6-3/4-inch base molding standing on edge, a front stabilizer foot, bevel locks located within easy, a cord wrap and an electric blade brake, and you’ve basically just read the description of the most perfect saw that you’ll ever see.
With X amps and X RPM, this power tool gives you power to easily cut through engineered lumber or thick pieces of hardwood.Weighing at X kilos, the saw has X kilos of sliding dual bevel capacity. Its outstanding cut capacity makes it the ideal tool to be used in various unconventional places – kitchen cabinet builders and installers, remodelers and even stair builders.
Of course, there will always be a wide variety of saws available in the market, and in quite an affordable price range too. But one must keep in mind that these saws are neither very powerful, nor are they built to last. Then there are professional sidewinders, which needless to say are much more powerful, but their power is also reflected in their pricing. However, Bosch’s saw manages to attain the perfect balance between manoeuvrability, power and pricing, making it an ideal power tool formetal and wood workingaficionados and professionals alike.
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