What makes some blogs “sticky“? Why do readers return again and again to certain blogs, while with others they only visit once and never come back? These are crucial questions for every blog owner to consider. Getting traffic to your site is obviously important, but that’s only your first job. Then you have to make… Continue reading 6 Practical Tips to Make your Blog Sticky
Category: Web Dev
Reasons Why You Should Hire the Services of Web Design Companies
There is a huge competition between businesses today and trying to expand your business is quite hard. Of course, you will do everything to ensure your business growth, but sometimes it seems that no matter what you do, your business can’t get the exposure that it needs. In this case, one of your best options… Continue reading Reasons Why You Should Hire the Services of Web Design Companies
Website Designing is What Companies Present and Polish
Digital Marketing! One of the very prominent terms in marketing industry. Digital marketing is a process of marketing or promotion of products or services through the use of internet devices like web browser etc. It is again of two types, viz. pull digital marketing and push digital marketing. Pull digital marketing is the process in… Continue reading Website Designing is What Companies Present and Polish
How to Host Your Website on Dropbox for Free
A website, is it your dream? You can make it true without spending even single penny. Are you thinking I’m talking about free webhosting services? No, I know those free web hosting companies are using your interest on creating a website to make money. They will show ads on your web sites; In return of… Continue reading How to Host Your Website on Dropbox for Free
10 Tools to Help Design a Great Website
If you have a business, having a website is paramount to your success. Customers and clients expect to be able to go online and find out information about your business, and if you don’t have one, consumers will often go elsewhere. Building your own site does not have to be a daunting task as there… Continue reading 10 Tools to Help Design a Great Website
Online Website Builders: Cost Effective Alternative for Paid but Poorly Developed Websites
Almost majority of websites are constructed by using a CMS or a content management system. Such software helps the user in adding and editing content to the website. Joomla and Drupal are some of the popular systems, and interestingly they are open source, i.e. you can download them for free. However some companies try to… Continue reading Online Website Builders: Cost Effective Alternative for Paid but Poorly Developed Websites
Tips for Killing It In Your SCRUM
So, you’re looking to improve your software development process – fantastic. You’ll probably have come across SCRUM in your efforts and want to know a little more. Well, look no further! Here’s a quick guide to SCRUM, pre-sprint planning principles, and how to make the most out of introducing it to your team. What is… Continue reading Tips for Killing It In Your SCRUM
Know All the Strategies For Website Maintenance
Although, creating or building a website needs lot of efforts and time, but maintaining it is also not an easy task. It is very essential to maintain your website if you want to keep it from becoming stagnant and prevent losing visitors. Website maintenance involves continuous updating with fresh content, preventing it from broken links,… Continue reading Know All the Strategies For Website Maintenance
Some of the “Do’s” in Website Design
Creating a website may be a daunting experience, but here are some ways to keep the “Do” in your design. Color The first thing most people see when opening a website is the color pattern used on the homepage. Colors play an important role in website design because different colors illicit different emotions. Depending on… Continue reading Some of the “Do’s” in Website Design
Choosing An Affordable Web Design Company
Choosing an affordable Web design company can be somewhat difficult. There are many cheap design companies out there, but they usually offer cheaper prices because they are cutting corners somewhere. You need an affordable design company that doesn’t charge you an arm and a leg, but you still get all the quality and support you… Continue reading Choosing An Affordable Web Design Company