IT Specialists for any business should be fully versed and able to offer all levels of sophistication and value to meet your needs now and into the future. On one hand it isn’t critical that you know everything they know, to the degree they know it, but it doesn’t hurt to understand what is out there before you dive into the relationship.
There is a distinct possibility that some of the technologies we’ll describe in this article will interest you just on their own. There is a lot happening of course. Generally speaking all the things we’ll discuss will be cheaper and more prevalent with the passage of time. Also generally speaking they’ll all be one step closer to being obsolete.
The trick from your perspective is to hit that sweet spot for maximum use time with affordability to best maximize value for your business.
With all that pomp and theory out of the way, let’s get a little more in depth about “sweet spot” computer technology to be looking out for.
- Event monitoring of your network operations via Windows Alerts. A cool feature to allow your IT Specialist Team to trouble shoot issues before they become serious drags on your system, costing you money.
- Lightning fast system updates and software installations. The technology is there where upgrades and updates to your network shouldn’t create hours of paid coffee breaks for your employees.
- Real time remote help desk. This one isn’t new new, but it is a must have. On-site visits by IT support services specialists for something that can be done remotely is a total waste.
- Better network security both internally and externally. Today’s systems allow the IT Specialist to achieve full monitoring remotely to make sure only authorized individuals within your organization and outside of it, get the access you want them to have.
- State of the art earliest possible warning, detection and elimination of spyware, malware, and all virus types. This stuff never needs to happen at the business level again.
- Automated back-up of all data in real time. This is the ultimate fail-safe against breakdown, crash, or whatever the disaster. You can’t ever 100% guarantee there won’t be a system failure, but effective data back-up will mean your only loss is a little bit of time.
- Set up of the support framework that brings minimal inconvenience in lost access for the important people in your business. These days, IT support set-up happens in minutes not hours or days. Expect that level of efficiency in the process.
- One other service that is becoming increasingly popular with the outsourcing and remote offices taking hold in businesses of all sizes, is effective remote access systems. There is simply no reason to be concerned about security issues or access issues for any member of your team whom you desire to access your system from locations outside of the central hub office. The capability is there and you can realize massive savings from not having a brick and mortar office.