Content Marketing: How To Write Great Content When You Really Don't Feel Like It


Content marketing requires a commitment to excellent content but not even a professional can keep this up on a daily basis.  It can be difficult coming up with fresh topics for a blog or finding just the right words to describe a product for content marketing.  At the end of the day, without fresh content on your blogs or article marketing pages you do not get the traffic your site needs to be productive.

So what do you do when you’re feeling the burnout or you just don’t feel like producing content? Here are some tips:

Get Your Mind in the Right Place – First, you have to have the right thought process in order to be an effective writer.  Are you just writing as a hobby?  Do you really want to make money writing or do you just want to put your ideas out there for your friends and family?  Are you just doing what you need to do in order to get the writing out of the way?  If any of those examples sound like you, then your mind is not in the right place to be successful.  You have to want to do the things that it takes, including writing, if you want to have the traffic and the success that you need.

To Guest Blog or Not – Accepting guest blogs has been a hot topic for some time now.  There are some issues on how this can reflect and affect your blog.  The bottom line is that if you do get some good quality guest blog posts, your site can only benefit from them.  There are many ways that you can get guest bloggers to post on your site.  One is by inserting a guest blogger page and another is using social networking sites to advertise that you are looking for blogs.  When you’re not feeling like writing, a guest blog post can fill that gap for you.  In return, they get the backlinks from your site so it’s a win-win situation.

Using Old Posts – This is more for those who have been writing and posting for a few years or more.  You probably have all of your blog posts saved in a backup location.  Why not pull them out and make them fresh?  Chances are some of the things you posted about are still relevant with maybe a few changes here and there.  This is not to say that you should just rewrite old content, but you can get some great ideas by going back and looking at what you wrote in the past.

There are many ways that you can come up with quality content even when you don’t really feel like writing.  Sometimes you just need to get your mind in the right place or you may need to get some guest blogs to keep the content going.  At the end of the day, you can look over your old posts to get some ideas.  What other ideas do you have for content creation when you’re just not in the mood?

Lisa Mason is a content marketing specialist and writer of more than 12 years. In addition to providing content for herself and her clients on a daily basis, she also runs a site for writing tips and mentors others on content creation.

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