Deciding On A Network Hosting Service – Weigh Your Options Well

Your business is simply incomplete without a valid online address where you clients can contact you. If you do not have an online representation, chances are that you may be losing out big time. For reaching out to potential customers one needs to have a credible online presence. But setting up a website is just the first step. There is a lot more which comes along with it. One needs to be careful before deciding up on the kind of hosting service which will be required for the site. The most common options are:

  • Free hosting
  • Shared hosting
  • Dedicated hosting

The names itself make the ideas and their purposes quite clear. But still, here is a little about all of these in a nutshell.

Computing Power

  1. Free hosting is the best choice if budget is a very important concern. There are no server charges included in this service and website will be hosted easily. This service is the best for the family sites or sites which are made socially for simple interaction. The free email service is always active which is not exactly great for business purposes. To add to your woes, there will be banner ads and other pop up ads which can take up screen space and be quite irritating. If you are planning to have a commerce site, this will not work well. But one can start with it and then move on to something better.
  2. Shared hosting allows the users to share the web hosting servers for very reasonable rates. This has been quite commonly practiced by many business units successfully. But the fact remains that the server is shared. A lot of this depends on the type of business that is being run on the site. If your business does not requires a lot of processing speed and does not need quite   lot of storage space on the disk, a shared hosting option will do great. But there are certain limitations regarding the service which need to be clarified in the beginning itself.
  3. For getting a permanent online address, you need to have a dedicated hosting service. This is dedicated just for your business so there will be ample disk space for your data. If you require some super fast processing speeds, this will be quite apt for your business. You will not be sharing it with anybody so you get to keep up your brand image with it. Since it is your own space it needs to be managed by your company’s own data centre.

Different businesses may have different purposes and that is why one would always like to have an option which will be customizable as per the requirements. Some may find the sharing system just not adequate and may feel that the dedicated is something over the actual requirement. So they would probably go for a VPS services.

The VPS actually stands for Virtual Private Sector and these services can thankfully be customized as per the needs and requirements. It does not give the amount of authority as much as a dedicated hosting service but is surely an improvement over the shared systems.  You might also consider the cloud computing systems as it seems to be the future of e business. One should check out the budget constraints before taking any decisions.


About author: Rounak  has been researching about various features of web hosting now for quite some time. He also likes to research in dedicated hosting service, cheap dedicated server hosting.