Eight Reasons To Start A Craft Blog

If you’re a fan of crafts and an even bigger fan of selling those crafts online for profit, you really should be blogging. A popular crafts blog can not only do wonders for your sales figures, it can also add an entirely new dimension to what is already an incredibly satisfying hobby/pastime.

Should you be considering blogging about your crafting adventures, here are eight reasons why you should start doing so immediately.

More Focus

Regardless of what type of crafting you primarily focus on, one thing that you could certainly benefit from is clearer ideas. Many crafters find themselves with endless ideas but most are not necessarily that well thought out.

When you blog about your crafting plans, you are forced to be a little more analytical. Half thought out ideas don’t make good blog posts and therefore blogging can make you more focused.

Increased Motivation

Another problem for many crafters, be it amateurs or those that sell online, is the occasional lack of motivation. Let’s face it, most of us live pretty busy lives and finding an hour or two to focus on being creative is not always easy.

If you start a blog, you are likely to amass a few readers that will be eager to see your next creation. Many crafters find this highly motivating, particularly if promises have been made to deliver a certain creation by a certain date.

More Confidence

Many crafters, particularly those who have yet to amass impressive sales figures, are a little short on confidence when it comes to their crafting abilities. A popular craft blog can go a long way towards helping such crafters to believe in themselves more.

When you write a post about how to do something and your readers respond favourably, it tends to be incredibly validating. The odd comment about how talented you are certainly doesn’t do you any harm either.

Unlimited Product Information

Most online marketplaces, such as Etsy and the like, limit the amount of information that you can provide about your creations. This is not only somewhat irritating for crafters, it’s also unlikely to help those considering making a purchase.

A craft blog can solve this problem by allowing you to write as much as you want about your latest creations. Just try not to rant, the fact that your latest piece is based upon your latest break up is probably not must know information.

Raise Your Profile

The more people you know in the craft world, the more you are going to sell and the more fun you are going to have. A well written craft blog can do wonders for raising your profile.

Provided you respond to comments and comment on other peoples craft blogs, you will slowly find yourself becoming a member of the worldwide crafting community. Not only will this lead to more sales, it’s also likely to lead to some new friends.

More Feedback

When you share your creations and ideas online, you are inviting feedback, both positive and negative. Not only is it great to know what you are doing right, constructive criticism can also prove invaluable.

Such feedback can not only help you to become a better crafter, it can let you know what potential customers like and don’t like. In many ways, a craft blog can therefore act as a sort of informal market research tool.

More Traffic

If you’ve spent much time promoting online craft stores, you are likely to understand how difficult it can be to drive traffic in their direction. A blog can do wonders when it comes to getting your online stores more visitors.

A static online store is never going to get much traffic directly from Google but the same cannot be said about a well written blog. Provided you update it frequently and learn a little about SEO, it will get a lot of daily traffic.

A few posts about your products and a few well placed ads are all that you need to direct some of that traffic to your online stores. And what’s more, doing so is completely free.

Because It’s Fun

Finally, if you love crafts, you are likely to love craft blogging. After all, when you love something, you tend to want to talk about it quite a bit. And unfortunately, despite the growing popularity of crafts, it’s not uncommon for crafters friends/spouses to get a little tired of talking about the subject.

When you blog about crafts, you can go on about crafts to your hearts content. And not only that, you will be discussing the subject with people that love crafts just as much as you do.

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