Finding an Authentic Anti Virus Software

Finding an Authentic Anti Virus SoftwareThe advent of computers and their dominance over almost every aspect of our lives is an undeniable truth. Our dependence on computers increases day by day as we utilize it for performing the most mundane task like simple word processing to the most complex job imaginable like navigating and controlling a drone which is exploring the far reaches of out space.

Computers are primary source of logging on to the internet for searching out information, sending receiving emails or downloading your favorite music and movies. Internet is a rich and premier source of information but it would be total ignorance to assume that surfing the internet is harmless and can cause no damage to your computer. As a matter of fact, most computers are infected with malicious programs called viruses when the user unintentionally downloads them to the hard drive.

This could prove to be a disastrous situation if authentic and capable antivirus software is not present to negate the adverse and devastating effects of the virus. The most common question that arises here is what constitutes authentic antivirus software and how to find one? The answer to this query is quite simple and requires following a few basic guidelines such as:

Smart and real time protection

Smart and real time protection is the staple and characteristic traits of authentic antivirus software. Smart protection means the capability of the antivirus software to immediately detect the virus disguised in any form, and as soon as it attempts to infiltrate the computer, remedial actions should be triggered. Real time protection means the ability of the antivirus software to provide automatic protection when data is being accessed online or offline.

Resource Usage

Authentic and well made antivirus software doesn’t drain precious system resources like system memory, CPU speed, disk space, and doesn’t slow down network throughput. It provides maximum protection while at the same time being very light on these resources ensuring that the system performs optimally.

Shield against Spyware and Adware

These are latest additions to the virus family and prove to be a real nuisance as a computer infected with these exhibits erratic behavior and randomly directs user to unwanted websites. Well-made antivirus software does possess advance shielding feature, built in against these troublesome infiltrators, and just in case if they manage to slip by the shield, the antivirus is equipped with tools to effectively isolate and remove them from your computer.

Email Protection

Effective antivirus software scans all incoming and outgoing email and attachments for viruses, spywares and malwares. It has a functioning database that immediately recognizes dangerous web blinks and malware. This database is self upgrading to remain abreast with all new variations of such malignant software.

Examples of proven and effective antivirus software programs that encompass all of the above traits are Kaspersky, Norton and McAfee. However, if the share abundance of software programs perplexes you, it is highly recommended that you view anti-virus rankings to get an unbiased analysis. There are some good websites out there that provide in-depth comparison and provide impartial information regarding antivirus software.