Four Tips for E-Cig Battery Maintenance

A lot of the things we use nowadays are powered by the common batteries: phone, laptop, tooth brush, flashlight or even kitchen appliances. Batteries, though, are expensive products and also not so environmental friendly, so it is better to use them properly and change them in the right time and manner.

Among the greatest inventions of this century which run by batteries, there is this almost miracle device called the electronic cigarette. When it was first invented, in 2003, it had, like almost every tech product, its flaws and defects. Aside from its beneficial effects, the quality of its components, when it first appeared, failed to rise to the expectations. During those years they were running on AA batteries, ones that you can find in any house, then, as technology began developing also in this field, the electronic cigarettes were powered by special types of batteries, but those too weren’t what people wanted for real.

Progress was made over the years and things changed radically. The electronic cigarettes’ batteries quality improved significantly and thus, the efficiency and reliability of these products. Nowadays, electronic cigarettes’ batteries have greater time endurance and a longer period of efficiency. And since they improved and people began to find out about their health advantages, the more and more popular they became.

So here are some tips and advice regarding electronic cigarettes’  batteries

  • Although a Blu electronic cigarette can save you a lot of money in comparison to the classic ones, it is always good to take care of their batteries too. The lithium-ion polymer batteries are conceived to be used on a daily basis, and the more they are used, the more power runs through their cells, helping them to run efficiently.
  • Another important thing you should know is to use these batteries properly. Prevent them from moist or mechanical shock. It is also very important not to let these batteries fully charge every time because this helps them work better.
  • When you don’t use your electronic cigarette, don’t let the battery inside. It may be annoying to take it out but this will save them from losing their properties. Using the electronic cigarette you will not only improve your health but also save a lot of money. Protecting your batteries you will not only make considerable savings, but you will avoid any unnecessary damage to your electronic cigarette.
  • Saving money is one thing, damaging your health is another. Your electronic cigarette came with some technical specifications and some component suggestions. Cheap batteries, or cheap replacement components for that matter, may be helpful on a short term, but on a long one, any cheap component you will buy, it may lead to product damages and even major health problems.

Depending on the model, company, product type, the batteries differ from one electronic cigarette to another. They usually have a good autonomy and last long, but even more so, using them properly means less health risk and more damage control.