It is extremely annoying when you are paying for a service which you want, but you don’t seem to be getting it. This happens too many of us on a daily basis with our underperforming internet connection. Whether it is a one off or you find it happening to you on a regular basis, a slow internet connection has to be one of the most annoying things ever. You should not just sit back and allow your slow internet connection get you down as there are ways in which you can try and improve it yourself.
The first thing which you should do is check to see if you have any viruses on your computer. This is usually the most common reason to why people’s internet connection is going much slower than it should be. If you currently have anti-virus software installed onto your computer, you should use this software to perform a scan on your computer to find out if there are any harmful viruses on your computer. The scan which you complete will also remove the virus if there are any and will also perform a block from where the virus has come from.
You should check the connection which you have coming to your computer from your internet provider. To do this you should click the internet network icon which you have in the bottom right hand corner of your computer screen. You should right click the icon and search for any troubleshooting problems and then diagnose them if there are any problems.
Internet Browser
Another common problem for having slow internet speeds is because of the internet browser which you are currently using. You should make sure you have the latest update from your internet browser, as the older one may be running slower due to issues and problems which have been fixed on the latest browser.
You should also make sure that you disable any extra toolbars and plugins which you have on your internet browser as this can be the cause of slowing down your internet speed.
Internet Connection
If you cannot find a problem on your end coming from your computer, then the problem is likely coming from your internet provider. You should contact the internet provider and find out the average speed which they have for the area you are currently in. If you are already receiving the average speed then you may want to choose an internet comp fibre optic cables rather than the average data cables. If the speed is any higher in the area than which you have, your internet supplier should send an engineer out to find out why you are not getting these speeds.
Steve works for a well-known internet company and knows how important it is to get the fast internet speeds. The high speed internet is down to the reliability of cables, for more information go to