Internet Speeds

Having slow or unreliable internet speeds can be one of the most frustrating things when at home or at work. Often it will stop you from watching videos or playing games at sites like for no real reason. This may drive you to look for another internet service provider, but you don’t want to end up with the same problems. So here are a few tips to ensure you get what you want.

Speed is everything when it comes to the internet – the faster your connection the quicker everything will download. Broadband companies measure their upload and download speed in Megabits; files on computers are stored in megabytes which account for eight megabits. With the UK average being 9Mbps at full speed you will be downloading just over one Megabyte each second. These speeds are more than enough for the average person who might watch videos on YouTube. When looking for a new provider why not check out other people’s internet speeds in your area on sites like this way you know what to expect when you upgrade.

Speed may be everything but if they provider cuts you off because you are using too much bandwidth then you may as well not have any internet at all. This is something called capping or throttling where the internet provider will have a set limit that you can download in a given time. If you end up going over this limit the provider might slow your internet speeds right down or even cut off your internet entirely. Before signing a contract be sure to look at all the small print for anything to do with this even if the offer says “unlimited” broadband.

With these two things to look out for when upgrading your internet you should find both a service that is fast enough and won’t limit how much internet you can actually use.