Know How B2B Lead Generation Can Be Effectively Accomplished through SEO

There are plenty of marketing activities, both conventional and new-age, among which search engine optimization (SEO) is the most advanced as well as most isolated entity. As of late, SEO is the primary source of new leads for many of the B2B firms. However, the administrators usually collaborate only if new content needs any sort of a review.

The common assumptions about SEO are:

  • SEO only helps a business website and its content to get noticed online
  • SEO generates leads only as part of a bigger context

However, lead generation is a fully separate task when it comes to SEO, and it is a specifically targeted effort when it comes to acquiring new leads.

Know How B2B Lead Generation Can Be Effectively Accomplished through SEO

The new demands in SEO lead generation

The marketplace is highly competitive, which puts forth many new challenges on how marketers relate the products and services to the target audience. There are varieties of lead generation strategies evolving each day to meet these new expectations. Here, we will discuss these new age concepts in a bit more detail.

The modern way of understanding SEO

The new-age SEO strategies demand a high user-intent research. Initiating SEO and lead generation starts with a proper understanding of modern SEO with the concept of ‘user intent’. User intent means the real objective behind the keywords that people use find what they are looking for. When it comes to this concept of user intent, there are primarily two types:

  • Information: Someone is looking for vital information to understand a topic.
  • Purchase: Someone intends to buy something online or search for a product described with a set of unique keywords.

As per the expert advice by, you must start by identifying what your target audience really means when they Google with keywords. Say for example, someone searching for ‘SEO marketing’ will get specific results which are mostly SEO providers trying to sell their services.

The people who are searching for the above keyword might have purchase intention. They want to take SEO services. On the other hand, the intention of someone searching for “marketing automation” may yield a different set of results which mostly define the concept and principles of marketing automation. So, for the SEO specialists who are aiming at lead generation, user intent research is a vital aspect to consider.

5 steps to help in SEO lead generation

  • Prepare a list of the most relevant keywords on the basis of an intensive research. You can make use of tools like Google Trends, Google’s Keyword Planner, and Keyword
  • Once you have the potential keyword list ready, Google them and keep a track of the results. Use a spreadsheet to record the data against each of your keyword. Some of these may be skewed and some others may be more balanced.
  • Organize your spreadsheet results through the sales funnel. The keywords which generate the most information-intent results may more likely represent the top-of-the-funnel users, and purchase-intent will be used mostly by the people closer to the bottom of the funnel.
  • Once you reach up to this level, optimize your existing site content based on the data. Don’t be hesitant to take an expert service in terms of quality content development since with the stronger algorithms of Google, relevant content is the key to SEO success
  • Keep monitoring it as SEO lead generation is not a one-time task. The above steps need to be initiated frequently in order to maintain your results and performance.

The information provided above is basically aimed at beginners who are planning to put their first step towards SEO lead generation. Once it is accomplished, you should have to do an intensive research and do more advanced learning to maintain and enhance the performance.

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