Overcoming Pinterest Envy – How To Enjoy Pinterest Without Breaking The Bank

Fortunately I am way too busy to indulge in Pinterest, but can certainly see the site being a means of temptation. Of course temptation sees no fruit unless acted upon, right? Likewise, spending money because of envy will inevitably lead to debt of some sort. So much for trivial truths; let’s revert back to the topic at hand. Now that many people avail themselves of shopping online, having to use credit cards to do so, the lure is even more appealing…and risky. How in the world can you benefit from Pinterest, another marketing ploy?
Value in Commitment

There does appear to be some value, but only if the person can “stay the course.” For example, I understand from educators and students that Pinterest can be quite useful. Lesson planning and swapping within subject, or grade areas is a huge help, especially for first year teachers. Students can actually trade and organize sources while working on projects instead of having to go to one another’s homes…or the ever popular library. But committing to using this growing resource for constructive means is imperative, because a quick glance is all it takes to get off track and succumb to another truly unnecessary purchase.
More like Pinterest

Speaking of getting off track, another attraction is in the wing and appealing to lovers. But perhaps they will be able to nip their enticement in the bud. What do you think? Actually more and more sites are emerging for exchanging information, both verbal and pictorial. Whatever happened to becoming a person worth knowing in person? The value here more likely offers a safe haven for avoiding much of the temptation offered by Pinterest.
New Concept?

How did this advertising tool evolve in the first place? Pin boards, the tangible version of Pinterest, have been around for a while and been used for very helpful things. For example, advertisements for rooms to rent, cars to purchase, and employment opportunities were available for college students. Military personnel, especially those serving overseas, often took advantage of ads on pin boards such as places to live when there was limited space on base for the whole family. Of course Pinterest is measurably more visual than those snapshots of cars and apartments, and the idea of exchanging pictures of delectable edible creations is fun, as well as interior designing with a friend who may be miles away. So the basic concept is not really new, it has just been adapted for today’s culture.
Taking Charge

All in all, after reflecting on the topic, if you budget for online spending, you should be able to enjoy the offerings on Pinterest. Other suggestions that might help discourage misuse of your time and money include these helpful hints. Make sure to read and digest/understand any fine print before signing on with any adventure, especially as an internet user. Consider using a timer to encourage less time-wasting…and in turn, money wasting as well. Another thought to remember: be aware that when a person lets envy stir temptation, they can break the bank, but not Pinterest. Who will win?

This and many other educational articles helping educate people on the use of social media marketing have been prepared for you by Travis Lee thanks to SEOMap.