Remember the milk
I don’t’ know about you guys, but I personally love using my Android for taking all sorts of notes. And specifically I don’t really like to forget stuff when I go shopping. It’s working not only if you want to buy some milk. And I believe that the best app for that sort of things is Remember the milk. Why I like it? Well. let’s see
Top bar
The top bar of the application has its 3 main options:
- Sync – allows you to sync your data on the mobile device with the server, which allows you to see the entered info anywhere where you have access to your ‘remember the milk’ account;
- Search – as the name suggests, it allows you to search for your tasks. You might need it in case you remember that you’ve already entered such a task and you need to edit it now, but for the life of yours you just can’t find it anywhere;
- The + sign that allows you to actually add a new task. Once you’ve entered your task name, you can add more info because this very option has a bunch of options of its own:
- you can define when it’s due (today, Sunday through Saturday or never :));
- also, you can set your tasks priority (high, medium, low);
- you can also assign a tag to your task;
- in case you want to specify an email address, you can do it right there;
- apart from that, you can also specify how often the task should repeat (daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, yearly, after one day, after one week, after 2 weeks, after one month, and finally after one year, whew… );
- and you can also set the time of completion (from 2 minutes up to 1 hour).
Main screen
Now let’s just skim through the main screen options that you can use:
- today – you can just touch the option to open it up and you’ll see a list of the tasks that you are supposed to complete … well, today :). By the way, once you complete a task (or you just want to edit it), you need to tick the respective checkbox (the one near the task you need, once you click that checkbox, new options should appear at the top (Done or the 3 dots in the upper right section that allow you to Postpone, Edit Due Date, Edit Priority, Edit List, and Edit Tags). Apart from that, you have 2 tabs with incomplete and complete tasks. So, you can easily toggle;
- tomorrow – this option has pretty much the same screen, but only for tomorrow tasks;
- this week – that’s right, it’s the same stuff as well, but limited by this week;
- lists – this option allows you to add or edit your lists;
- tags – this feature makes it possible to add tags so that you can easily organize and then search for your stuff;
- locations – this feature has a list of locations that you assign your tasks too. It’s a really neat feature because it’ll remind you what you need to do when you approach a certain location. Unfortunately, this feature is not available in the free version, but… c’mon .. you can always buy it.
At the very bottom of the app’s interface, you can see the Reminders option, but it works only in the Pro version of the application as well.
The settings are pretty much standard: account info, about, general (allows to select your start screen and enable/disable sound effects, tasks (set default list, default due date, etc), locations, reminders, sync and reset.
In conclusion
Generally, it’s a really cool app, but in order to use all its awesome features, you need to buy it, because some features are available in the Pro copy only. I really enjoy using it, like I said before, for shopping, because you never ever forget what you need to buy with it. So, if you usually have lotta things to remember about (to buy or whatever), you really want this app.
I’m a dude from WebDesign Bureau. I can explain how to make a website or just create it for you. Plus, I’m crazy about all the things web and mobile.