Roary the Racing Car is a successful animated children show in the UK. The stories are about Roary, Maxi, CiCi, Tin Top (all race cars) and the humans which work at the race track. The adventures are amusing and well suited for our children. The title uses the characters from the show to add light to the collection of games aimed at the children that watch the show.
The games range from a simple racer to spot the difference and memory games. All the games use the characters from the show, so one of the memory games, “Champions”, has the player picking the character from the shadows displayed. This will be easier if the player has watched the shows but mistakes and experience will improve your guesses. Some games will not be as easy for the very young ones but, with some coaching and practise, it will be a good learning tool for them.
These games are well suited for younger children and the difficulty levels for each game mean that there is a level of improvement for them. The difficulty is also easy to select with a number of stars, 1 to 3, to indicate this. The game after some basic instruction that can be navigated by children themselves. Worst is when a game requires the parent to be there to read all the time, but this game does well in not requiring that. It lets your children grow at their own pace.
I can see adults buying this but not really getting the most out of the game, other than a bit of a time killer… focus on the children when buying this one.
At A Glance:
It’s a collection of games based on the successful animated children’s television show. This one is great for the kids.
Developer: Uacari
Publisher: Avanquest
Distributor: Apex Interactive