
Sign And Complete Your Paperwork With Zosh


Sign And Complete Your Paperwork With Zosh

I’m always on the lookout for new applications that can help me with my photography.The application I look for would help me with new and popular poses, diagram lighting and business aspects that I deal with in photography. Zosh was constructed to help with the business side of things.  It takes something that could be really hard and nerve wracking and makes it pleasantly simple.  This is all pretty much based around paperwork.  You can fill out information for clients and others and send it though email very simply though the application and it covers all great document apps like GIF, BMP, JPG, PNG, Word, Powerpoint, Excel and PDF. Not only is it good for us photographers, but its great for other businesses like contracts for weddings, properties,  and releases for modeling. It’s all very easy to do!

The Applications Functionality

If you have setup an online account in the past, then signing up for Zosh will be a snap.  The application has to have an email that it can work with.  The email you choose will be the one that uploads files onto Zosh so make sure if you have more than one email address, your using the appropriate one.  It’s an easy process. You email any files you need to the designated Zosh email address ( from your designated email address. The process in which you will receive your documents to your iOS takes up to 5 minutes.  When the document is ready to view, Zosh will send you a confirmation email.

Filling the document out once it received is quite easy. Open the document onto whatever screen you are using. There is an insert button located at the top right of your screen. There are four options once you tap the screen. It will give you options like inserting either your signature, text, date or image onto the document. Pick the appropriate category. Once you enter all the information you want placed into the field, hit the “ok” button and you will have it automatically entered on by the system. It will then give you other options that you can play with on your document after clicking on the documents changed area.  These include options to do things like moving, resizing, rotating and deleting.  I like how you can add your signature right onto the iDevice. My clients can actually sit down with me very briefly and fill out the form right then and there on the iDevice.  It’s a very helpful tool. The “Transmit” button will allow to then send the document to both parties involved in the documentation. Printing at home can be done at a later time and the document can just sit in the inbox.

Some Different Things I Would Like To See

Although the version isn’t available for iPad, it is available for iPhones and the iPod touch, which need to be WiFi connected.  If I the option of using on my iPad I have to upscale which makes the resolution very poor on my iPad screen. Zosh has made a statement on their website about making an iPad version very soon.  So, I’ll have to wait until the iPad version makes its appearance and make do with the bad quality upscale.  Storing the documents onto your own device would be helpful as well and its something I’d like to see from Zosh in the future. Right now, they are stored in a completely different place for access.  Unfortunately, you cannot store any documents if you are using WiFi r a 3G network.  Sometime I don’t get to access my documents because my iPad is hooked up to WiFi, but my other devices don’t usually have a problem. It would be nice to store them locally and then deal with them later when I am connected to the internet.

The Conclusion

It’s a great application overall. Anything that can help make my business life easier as well as my clients is a definite winner in my book.  The app is only $2.99 so it’a buy well worth the money. To get the application to perfection all Zosh would have to do is add a place to store documents and we’d all be happy campers.

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