Software for Chiropractors

Chiropractic software that is efficient, well-integrated, and easy to use is hard to come by. Here are some ideas about what you should be looking out for if you’re in the market for good chiropractic software.


Doctors and medical professionals can often be overwhelmed by paperwork. Administrative duties and paperwork should not be the chiropractor’s concern. Software should allow for easily automated documentation.

Of course, medical records are incredibly important. A medical record should show how a patient has been doing and the patient’s past medical history. Medical records also provide insight into what actions can and should be taken in order to help the patient’s condition.

Chiropractic EMR software should streamline the process of documenting cases without the need for stacks of paperwork and manual labor. The program should be built for efficiency so the chiropractor can focus on what matters most: the patient. It should also be able to check for any potential errors in documentation and either correct those errors or bring them to the attention of the chiropractor.


Billing and scheduling can be tiresome burdens for chiropractors. Managing patients’ individual accounts by hand can be an incredibly time-consuming activity. Chiropractic management software should cut the amount of time needed for patient accounts. The right management software should give chiropractors more time to work with and engage patients.

  • Using management software has the benefit of saving paper as everything is stored via computer. Reducing paper waste and staying green is a nice by-product
  • Storing everything electronically also allows for easy filing, retrieval, and search. There’s no need to hunt through piles of papers just to find that one thing.
  • Software that manages everything electronically will also facilitate obtaining any files or documents. Files could be accessible from any computer, at any point, at any time.
  • Good management software should also be able to assist with other tasks, such as keeping track of inventories, payrolls, and staff scheduling, all done electronically.

Service and Support

Computers and technology can be confusing and difficult for even the best and brightest of computer users. Chiropractic software should be easy to install and even easier to use. The whole point of the software is to make helping patients and running a medical practice easier. Training for the software should be provided, and any additional support should be as easy as a phone call or email.

Of course, because everything is submitted electronically, chiropractors might be afraid of losing any valuable documentation or files. Thankfully, an offsite server can backup any and all files, so the chiropractor doesn’t have to worry about any pesky viruses or malware destroying information.

Good chiropractic software should provide all these functions, but it should mainly give the chiropractor an easier time with the “side stuff” so he can spend as much time with the patients as he can.