Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G

Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G

Don’t get it into your head that this is going to beat out the rest of the competition out there. As for it being a good Android, there’s really is no doubt about that, but it’s not their best model out-to-date, either. It is a good piece of equipment and another good call from Sprint.


  • A very tiny 4.3 in. display
  • An output for HDMI
  • wireless Wi-Fi mode
  • A little stand for it
  • Both 4G and 3G capabilities
  • Cams on the front-side and the backside as well
  • If you have a contract already, you’ll be paying a retail of about $200
  • Was released in June of 2010

The Upside:

  • A nice, easy to look at display
  • Compact and can be taken with you anywhere
  • Sleek and very quick

The Downside:

  • The battery refuses to last for very long
  • The battery refuses to last very long
  • refuses

The Beautiful Face of the HTC Evo

I’m already used to using this as my regular cellular device. It’s packed full of good and tasteful features that I really appreciated. Here’s something new: This display has a gorgeous contrast and could come close to one of the most beautiful and perfectly-sized screen I’ve ever come across. There’s a mixture between a cell screen and a larger iPad type screen. It really is a perfect size, all joking aside.

I can take it out in direct sunlight and I still am able to see if without any type of outside glare ruining the picture. From this point in my review the Evo seems like a quick piece of equipment as well. So far, so good.

The Body

The future of cellphones can be summed up with both the HTC HD2 and the Evo. It’s basically a glorified cell phone because the displays are maximized from the original cellphone size. A lot of people will probably be thinking that because the display has been maximized, that it’s going to end up feeling and looking chunky, but it’s amazingly not. Just like all the other top-of line-cells, it fits really nicely into just about any place you want to put it. It does have a more circular feel to the corners than the corners of let’s say a Droid, so it has easier access to places than even its competition.

It’s almost unnoticeable and I sometimes have to remember that I have it. It’s no different than most other models and I think its sleekness is just great.

The only time I ever seemed to notice the difference in the size was when I went to make phone calls. Then the sleek illusion went away a little bit.


This is a sturdy phone with a low-weight. Sometimes I think the Evo was going a little bit too much towards the iPhone with their style tactics; but then again, it’s still a nice phone.

It only has two working buttons on the face and those are just control buttons. You can’t actually feel the other buttons on the device because they are level with the face and are extremely sensitive to touch.

The only problem I had was with the backside 8MP camera. Since it is a rear-facing camera, setting it down will bring just a little elevation to the phone. It’s a hindrance and makes me wonder if I’m not going to end up breaking the thing because of it being in the way. There’s always that chance that something could slip into then lens from backside too and that’s never good.

It comes with a neat little stand and although some believe it to be flimsy, it seems good and built. This stand is a way for the phone to be propped up and it’s located and installed in the phone itself.

If you want to get into the phone from the backside, you just flip these little plastic do-dads up and it will come off and it doesn’t feel like a sturdy way to take off a back cover. Plastic is a low-priced component if I ever needed a new one, but it really is a cheap backside and could be destroyed rather easily, in any case. It does have a beautiful interior once you’re on the inside.


Don’t hit eBay and start selling on your photography equipment just with the purchase fof this little camera. These pictures really aren’t all that great unless your social networking and don’t need anything all that nice. You have two flash panels and they work under all kind of conditions and they work well. I have some examples below.

Talking about cameras strictly though cellular devices, this is one of the better ones and it has a quick speed at which it can take your pictures and get them focused as well.

A Spin Off Androids

Sense is what this phone does, it just makes sense and it pulls off the Android sleekness like no other phone could. I thought it was better and much more entertaining in its style components.

Some will more than likely stay tuned into their Android phones until this one gets inducted into the Androids Hall of Fame phones. All the hubbub about others catching this phone has been long in the waiting game. You can still run it, but you’ll still just be back to old and generic Android.

Sense is a great thing put out by Android. The generic Android is not very entertaining unless you make it entertaining. Between giving an Android via Sense as a gift to my wife, I wouldn’t do it without the Sense. It turns out to be just a great little phone with Sense.

The Evo 4G is pretty regular with their wireless WiFi but can be upgraded through app add-ons a way to connect WiFi to 8 internet connections and devices. You get all the storage you want, but you still have to pay an extra $30 bucks for it via Sprint which is kind of a downer.  Don’t worry if you’re not a wireless warlock, you can simply hook it up to a USB port if you want. You can use the front camera using an app called Qik which is nicely set into your phones system already.

You have to get extra apps is you’re going to have this phone or you just won’t be doing it justice. The browser used is the Dolphin HD which I think should be set as the default, but that’s just me. It’s a perfect match-up for the larger screen. The picture is definitely better, but know up front that it is a bit slower than the other ones. I didn’t mind making that sacrifice.

If you are putting an application into the phone, you should probably expect a little bit of a wait, otherwise, you should pretty much fly through everything else. It’s a quick phone.

The Problem

As I sit here and thin about all the wonderful things I have said so far about this phone, I am agonizing over the fact that I have to say what I am about to say. This battery should be thrown out of a window in a vehicle in full speed. Even if you take that extra mile to run off all of the devices that would hinder that lifespan of the battery, it’s not even going to matter. With barely anything running, I can maybe get about a half a day’s worth of life.

Even if you’re not using the phone on a regular basis, as long as you take it off the charger sometime in the morning, you’ll be putting it back on by early evening. This is all with minimal usage.

Trust me, because I had to review this phone that I became so fond of, I tried everything within my humanly powers to keep the battery alive and happy, but IT JUST WANTED TO DIE!

You’re going to end up carrying your battery charger with you everywhere if you are going to be using this phone on a constant basis. It’s going to be annoying too because whenever you have a spare minute to let’s say, go to the bathroom in between breaks, you’re going to be plugging in your phone to the charger instead.

What I Conclude

If the battery was better, this would be my favorite phone. I care about things like emergencies and my phones ability to hold a battery.  No one is going to appear from the sky and fix this problem. That makes me really, really sad inside.

Why did this Evo come out looking like an ass? Because they really wasted a good, no, great phone on nothing but the batteries issue. If I won’t be able to play with the phone all day whenever I want to, what’s the point, right?

Some Things To Have:

  • Ways to continuously charge the battery throughout the day
  • A battery you can take everywhere with you
  • The Dolphin HD