Plastic Airplanes? Super Durable Plastics In Aviation

Did you know that plastic can be used to create the exterior hull of airplanes and many other parts of modern aircraft? While many airplanes still use metal parts and pieces, the technology of plastics is rapidly increasing, making it possible to replace much of the metal used in airplanes with cheaper and lighter materials,… Continue reading Plastic Airplanes? Super Durable Plastics In Aviation

Three Really Cool Homebuilt Airplane Prototype Innovations

Often times a peek into the future of science and technology come from unexpected avenues. Dreams, artistic expression and simple play have led to some of the most innovative discoveries and inventions. From Galileo to Leonardo there have always been creative intelligent artisans helping us to see the future and realize its potential. These creative… Continue reading Three Really Cool Homebuilt Airplane Prototype Innovations

How An Airplane Actually Takes Off

Airplanes are huge aircrafts that transport passengers much faster than road travel. People often wonder how they actually take off. First of all, it takes certified pilots to operate aircrafts. There are numerous conditions that must be met in order for an airplane to take off down the runway. Fog, ice and snow are major… Continue reading How An Airplane Actually Takes Off

Positive Potty Training? Yup, There’s An App For That Too!

Potty training is often a long process, filled with successes and setbacks. Parents can become frustrated and confused when it seems their toddler has it, and then reverts to going in his or her diaper. It’s important to remember that when your son or daughter is ready to be fully potty trained, he or she… Continue reading Positive Potty Training? Yup, There’s An App For That Too!

Bates Call for Pilots to Boycott the Scanners and Embarrassing Pat Downs.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is decided to launch its new “millimeter wave” devices to scan at the airports. The device has invited much opposition from the Americans in intrusion of privacy. The new device can scan though the clothes and raised concern about radiation effects. Those who refuse the scanning of the device would… Continue reading Bates Call for Pilots to Boycott the Scanners and Embarrassing Pat Downs.