The Safe Approach To Link Building – For Now

Post Google Penguin update, webmasters were in a frenzy. Weeks went by until enough people reported back what they had in common to justify a traffic drop and it took months before we started to hear stories of recovery. The new words of wisdom being preached were to improve your website content, eliminate all manually… Continue reading The Safe Approach To Link Building – For Now

'Offline First' Approach For Creating Web Applications

Offline enabled web applications became a wide discussed theme in many conferences in 2012. Paul Kinlan conducted an experiment with offline apps: top 50(ish) apps on iOS and Android, downloaded app, pulled the plug, loaded app; and the same experiment with offline apps. But most of the apps gave the next result: ‘Unable connect to… Continue reading 'Offline First' Approach For Creating Web Applications

What Are The Good Points Of A Targeted Approach To Marketing?

The way certain actions are carried out evolve as time progresses and the objective is always to find a better way to do things than the previous method. In the case of marketing there are a number of ways to achieve what you are setting out to accomplish and the exact plan of action that… Continue reading What Are The Good Points Of A Targeted Approach To Marketing?

BSA Finds Governments Need To Take New Approach To Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing technologies to date. According to a new white paper from, developments in cloud computing will create several dramatic changes for the world. Larger amounts of data will be made publicly available and up to a trillion devices will be connected to the internet. Leveraging economies of… Continue reading BSA Finds Governments Need To Take New Approach To Cloud Computing

VoIP Phone Service Systems 101: Soft Phone vs. Device Approach

A great way to help your company stay in the loop with the latest technology is to get familiar voice over internet protocol systems, most commonly known as VoIP phone systems. VoIP phone systems allow your employees to make calls using an internet connection as opposed to a phone line. These devices are becoming extremely… Continue reading VoIP Phone Service Systems 101: Soft Phone vs. Device Approach

Get Rid of Your Prehistoric Phone System

Most business people don’t like to think of any added expenses if they can help it. Fair enough, but some outlays on new systems can prevent catastrophic losses. A good example is the outlay related to upgrading to new business phone systems. This is a case of technology to the rescue, rather than to the… Continue reading Get Rid of Your Prehistoric Phone System

How SEO can Help Your Business Grow

How does search engine optimization work: SEO is an abbreviation of search engine optimization and you all must be well aware of it. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most famous and effective methods used by the webmasters in order to enhance the appearance of the web pages of a business keeping in… Continue reading How SEO can Help Your Business Grow

HP New CEO planning a Software Approach for the Company

Recently, computer giant Hewlett Packard nominated its new CEO and the appointed person was a surprise selection for many of industry experts and analysts. Leo Apotheker is the man in-charge of the computer giant, but people around the tech world are still speculating the fact that Who Exactly is Leo?