The Benefits of Owning OLED Televisions

Many entertainment enthusiasts are biting at the bit to own an OLED TV and with good reason. There are many benefits to this technology. Whether it’s the thickness of the TV or the green factor, these TVs are certainly worth considering. Because the technology is so new, many people don’t know what to expect. The… Continue reading The Benefits of Owning OLED Televisions

3 PC Manufacturers that Could Beat HP in 2013

They are still the kings. Despite an overall market decline, thanks to ultrabooks and tablets, Hewlett-Packard still tops all desktop computer manufacturers in overall shipments. It has retained this top spot for a good many years now, and currently holds 16 percent of the world desktop PC market share. But time might be running short… Continue reading 3 PC Manufacturers that Could Beat HP in 2013

The HTC Droid DNA vs. The Samsung Galaxy S II: Can HTC Beat Samsung?

Samsung has long had a reputation of building quality, reliable electronics. And that goes for their cell phones too. In fact, the Samsung Galaxy S III is widely considered by experts to be the best mobile phone currently on the market. HTC on the other hand are somewhat of the new guy in town. However,… Continue reading The HTC Droid DNA vs. The Samsung Galaxy S II: Can HTC Beat Samsung?


Man made things can beat out man himself. If you’re saying no way, think again. IBM’s Watson just recently beat two very smart individuals that ever played the game of Jeopardy! Even though Thomas J. Watson, IBM’s first president was a very smart man. It wasn’t him playing the game. It was a computer system… Continue reading Smart=Watson

Can You Really Use Tech To Beat The House?

In a word: yes! Not to condone or encourage behaviour that could land you in trouble, but there have been many examples of tech being used in casinos to turn the odds against the house. While some have succeeded in their exploits, others have been dealt harsh punishment by the law. Still, the ingenuity behind… Continue reading Can You Really Use Tech To Beat The House?

Next-Gen Smartphone Previews

We’ve had smartphones kicking around for a little while now, and we’re starting to get accustomed to the technology. More to the point, we’re starting to get the hang of what it’s really capable of doing. Freed from the concerns about things like making simple calls and sending basic text messages, we’re seeing the potential… Continue reading Next-Gen Smartphone Previews

How to Retrieve Lost Customers

No matter how well you perform your customer retention tactics, sooner or later you’re going to lose some of your valued clients. Perform all the customer retentionstrategies you can, do your best to make sure you provide value and validation to your clients, but know at some point someone’s going to jump ship. And when… Continue reading How to Retrieve Lost Customers

Making Killer Hip Hop Beats In No Time Using This Crazy New Technology…

Making Hip Hop Beats at home is possible, even for beginners. You don’t believe it? Well, it’s true. Today, there are so many beat makers and they are so affordable and easy to use that anyone can do it. You don’t need to know how to play a musical instrument; you only need to know… Continue reading Making Killer Hip Hop Beats In No Time Using This Crazy New Technology…

Can Blekko Beat Google?

Since the official launch of his initiative “blekko”, Rich Skrenta has tried to differentiate his search engine from other, major search engines by challenging them on issues like spam , privacy and transperncy. The most apparent difference between Blekko and other horizontal search engines is the use of “slashtags” — custom search engines that are… Continue reading Can Blekko Beat Google?

Samsung Galaxy II To Beat Apple iPhone?

The newest Galaxy S2 was recently released in more than 100 countries and the phone is expected to reach the US within a month. Since the demand for the new smartphone was higher than what the company expected, Samsung wasn’t able to meet the number of mobile devices that consumers were expecting that they could… Continue reading Samsung Galaxy II To Beat Apple iPhone?