3 Cloud Apps Every Digital Marketing Agency Needs For Increased Efficiency

What were your digital marketing agency’s New Year’s resolutions? Are you hoping to increase your business’s productivity and efficiency in 2014? These are two resolutions that every digital marketing agency should always strive to keep. Digital marketing is very powerful, but can also be very overwhelming with numerous projects and tasks to complete and keep… Continue reading 3 Cloud Apps Every Digital Marketing Agency Needs For Increased Efficiency

Consumers Pick E-Commerce for Better Customer Service

The results of a new consumer survey auditing customer service experience and purchase behavior should be of interest to small business owners operating out of traditional retail spaces. Although the study, conducted by ClickFox, dealt specifically with holiday buying plans, the findings may have year-round ramifications as well. The 2012 Holiday Customer Service Audit reveals… Continue reading Consumers Pick E-Commerce for Better Customer Service

Why Customer Care Is Important In The Contact Centre Industry

Contact centres are often deployed to increase the level of customer care for a business. With contact centre technology comes reduced call waiting times, increased flexibility in call handling solutions (such as remote working through cloud based contact centre technology) and ultimately, a higher level of customer service. Cloud based contact centres essentially mean the… Continue reading Why Customer Care Is Important In The Contact Centre Industry

Call Recording Benefits

The benefits of call recording to businesses that handle customer data should not be underestimated. This process is essential for businesses that deal with client data or services via the telephone. However, call recording should not be considered as just recording conversations for the purpose of storing them. It is much bigger than this as… Continue reading Call Recording Benefits

Ways To Enhance Customer Service For Your Business

The success of a business relies on superior customer service that goes above and beyond any other company. There are many ways for businesses to improve and enhance their customer service, and most of them have little or no cost. The use of electronic queue management systems is one way that businesses can enhance the… Continue reading Ways To Enhance Customer Service For Your Business

Improving Your Company's Customer Service

Customer service is an extremely important aspect of owning a business. Without customers, your business is unable to thrive. By providing great customer service, you will keep customers coming back and will build your business a great reputation by word of mouth, social media, and online reviews. It’s important to always listen to your customers’… Continue reading Improving Your Company's Customer Service

Real Help From Real People: Give Your Customers The Attention They Deserve

Everybody knows by now that times are changing fast and that almost everything is being automated and completed online, and that includes the way business is being conducted. One thing that should never change in many industries is the personal customer service that companies and businesses offer customers. Call center service remains greatly significant and… Continue reading Real Help From Real People: Give Your Customers The Attention They Deserve

How To Provide Customer Service Via Your Local Business Social Media

Social Media is slowly, but surely changing the landscape of how local businesses provide customer service. In the not too distant past, it was enough for a local business to have an email and a contact number to be able to field customer questions and comments. Today, increasing numbers of customers are reaching out to… Continue reading How To Provide Customer Service Via Your Local Business Social Media

Developing Trust Within IT Outsourcing Relationships: How And When Do We Disclose?

Since increasing productivity is a key goal of outsourcing in general, shouldn’t trust be a considered a primary concern in particular? And yet many businesses, from the very smallest to those found in the Fortune 500, present a facade of thick glass. Like tellers at a bank window, many companies are seeking a return on… Continue reading Developing Trust Within IT Outsourcing Relationships: How And When Do We Disclose?

Indie Brands-Create Engagement With Blogger Promos

Many companies today have taken their marketing efforts online. PPC advertisements, search engine marketing and even social media have allowed companies to market their business to a large audience within their budget. Indie companies know that they don’t have the budget to compete with large corporations when it comes to marketing, but they still need… Continue reading Indie Brands-Create Engagement With Blogger Promos