Smart Phone Product Buzz

Well every one knows what are smart phones and what are they capable off. But for starters they are cell phones which are armed with awesome OS most of the Smartphone has android as their OS. Good QWERTY pad, decent camera plus they are blessed with touch screen. Many can do multitasking very well and… Continue reading Smart Phone Product Buzz

14 Best Android Apps for Businesspeople

For the past two years, businesspeople have been clamoring for Android devices and it could be a good time to check about what Android can do for enterprises. With so many apps in the Android Market nowadays, determining the cream of the crop won’t be easy. Even so, these are some apps that business users… Continue reading 14 Best Android Apps for Businesspeople

Why You Don’t Need iPad 2

As the arrival of iPad 2 nears and the hype levels continue to rise, original iPad owners find themselves facing the ultimate question: to upgrade, or not to upgrade? Additionally, people who never jumped on the iPad bandwagon are quickly falling into one of two camps: those who are glad they waited and will be first in line for the iPad revision, and those who are glad they waited and have absolutely no plans of buying one now that the Motorola Xoom and other Android tablets are finally making a landing. No matter which camp you’re in, here are three things you’ll want to consider before you line up outside the neighborhood Apple Retail Store in March.