Want To Build A Website? It's Much Easier Than You Think…

Don’t be put off by the thought of building a website from scratch, it’s actually much easier than you think. Many popular websites today were built by newcomers to the web design scene – with little or no prior experience. You can do it too! Where to start? As a complete web design novice, you… Continue reading Want To Build A Website? It's Much Easier Than You Think…

Why Programming Will Help With SEO

SEO depends on a lot of different things for it to work out properly. It depends on keeping up with the times (and by that I mean algorithm changes made by Google), it depends on hard work and dedication (you can’t just give up on a link building campaign and expect it to work), but… Continue reading Why Programming Will Help With SEO

Review of the New Macromedia Dreamweaver 2.0

At first place during the beta release; Macromedia Dreamweaver seemed like it would be a great program. It was a WYSIWYG editor and it would create clean code that didn’t break when changed. It also let you link the code into BBEdit so you could use the text editor.