Add A Driver License Reader To Your Bar Or Liquor Store

Do you run a bar, restaurant or liquor store wherein you are required to check IDs? Are you still doing this manually? Then you are wasting time and taking a big risk. If someone were to to trick you with a fake ID when trying to buy alcohol or tobacco, you could be fined. You… Continue reading Add A Driver License Reader To Your Bar Or Liquor Store

The Top 6 iPhone Apps No Driver Should Be Without

The iPhone has many great apps that come in very handy whether you are driving around town or on a road trip out of town. These applications can provide GPS navigation, directions to parking lots or even find the nearest gas stations, restaurants and service stations along your path. The following are 6 iPhone apps… Continue reading The Top 6 iPhone Apps No Driver Should Be Without

7 Smartphone Car Apps Every Driver Should Have

Smartphones can make your life easier in a million different ways. Whether you are cooking, traveling, or shopping online, your smartphone can make each experience richer, quicker, and better. Using your smartphone wisely while driving can help you bring down your car insurance rates by enabling you to drive safer and better. Your car insurance… Continue reading 7 Smartphone Car Apps Every Driver Should Have