Dragon ball is a widely known manga series that was created by a Japanese illustrator by the name Akira Toriyama. He series began its origins in Weekly Shonen Jump in which it began in 1984 and ran up until 1995. The series was also published by Sueisha with 42 volumes that featured 519 chapters combined.… Continue reading The Dragon Ball
Tag: Japanese
Top 5 Luxury Restaurants In Barcelona
Spain is known to be one of the most exotic tourist destinations in Europe. It is known all over the world for its rich cultural history and many beautiful cities such as my personal favorite Barcelona. Located in the beautiful country of Catalonia, Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain and also capital of… Continue reading Top 5 Luxury Restaurants In Barcelona
Top Four Weirdest Japanese Vending Machines
Japan is famous – or perhaps infamous – for its gamut of amazing but often unusual technology. Vending machines are perhaps one of the most well known of these, having the highest number of them per capita in the world (around one vending machine for every 23 people). As such, it’s probably no surprise that… Continue reading Top Four Weirdest Japanese Vending Machines
Call of Duty 5- World at War
This is another world war 2 action that brings the essence of a theatre into the game, if you love real action then find it in call of duty 5.call of duty 5 brings you the war between the Japanese and the Russians in the eye of the Germans. Like the previous version call of… Continue reading Call of Duty 5- World at War