If you work for yourself, you might generate and receive a few dozen emails a day. If you have a small team of employees, then your business will probably send and receive five times as many emails than you would alone. That may not seem a great number and, indeed, if your company does a… Continue reading Are You On Top Of Email Archiving?
Tag: latest trends
How Streaming Music Is Killing The Environment
The purchasing of physical CD’s has died out in recent years, in part due to iTunes and music streaming from your computer. But just when you thought you were benefiting the environment by streaming music and using YouTube to watch videos instead of paying for the production and shipping of CD’s, it turns out that… Continue reading How Streaming Music Is Killing The Environment
Top Android Apps for Girls
Introduction Girls are always crazy about fashion, cosmetics, clothing and styles. This is the reason why new applications are being introduced in the iPhones and android phones that are especially designed for girls. Yes, when we say that they are especially designed for girls that mean these applications are all about styles and fashion. All… Continue reading Top Android Apps for Girls