You Can Easily Buy Discounted Computer Software By Looking At The Right Places

Computer software can be expensive. Rather than doing without because you can’t afford it you can find discount computer software. The key to it being worth the money is checking to make sure that it is the full version of the software and buying it from a reputable place. If you are thinking about buying… Continue reading You Can Easily Buy Discounted Computer Software By Looking At The Right Places

Looking Back At The Beetle's Might :5 Things To Learn From VW's Ad Campaign In The '60s

In the thick of hard sell advertisements rampant during the ‘60s, the Beetle ad campaign served as a breath of fresh air. The ads brought something new to the table by tickling people’s minds and emotions using soft sell advertising. And, with a touch of marketing magic, Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), the advertising agency hired… Continue reading Looking Back At The Beetle's Might :5 Things To Learn From VW's Ad Campaign In The '60s

UK Looking to Snoop On Citizens

In the UK, a new proposed program has people worrying about freedom of speech and privacy. The Communications Capabilities Development Programme (CCDP) would require that data about the sender and recipient of phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook messages, and Twitter direct messages be stored by phone and Internet providers for one year. The data… Continue reading UK Looking to Snoop On Citizens

Six Features you Should be Looking for When Conducting a Web Based Seminar

The history of Internet is full of novel ideas and mind-boggling technologies. Some of these technologies or innovations are a little too complex to be embraced by all and sundry (Google Waves comes to mind), mainly because the general public either fails to understand the basics of the technology, or they fail to see any… Continue reading Six Features you Should be Looking for When Conducting a Web Based Seminar