Why Stainless Steel Is The Hygiene Metal Of Choice

Have you ever noticed that whenever you go to a supermarket to get some fresh bread or you go to a restaurant and see the food being cooked that there is one thing in common? Not the ingredients, but the work surfaces and the apparatus – they are all made from stainless steel. Why Stainless… Continue reading Why Stainless Steel Is The Hygiene Metal Of Choice

What Is The Difference between Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) & Metal Inert Gas (MIG)

Welding Metal inert gas (MIG) and tungsten inert gas (TIG) are two types of welding that people often confuse if they are not welding experts. While their names sound the same, the two processes actually have quite a few differences and are used for different types of welding. Each of them comes with their own… Continue reading What Is The Difference between Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) & Metal Inert Gas (MIG)