Accepting and processing credit cards from your customers is much easier today than it was in the past. Having a customer use a credit card within a business often means that a business owner can expect that customer to spend up to twenty percent more in that store than they otherwise would have. Furthermore, many… Continue reading Mobile Payments vs. Traditional Credit Card Processing
Tag: Mobile
Should you Be Planning For Mobile?
With over 6 billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide and 1.2 billion active mobile-broadband subscriptions worldwide, if your business is not mobile-friendly, you are most likely missing out on a large number of potential customers and revenue. No matter what your business model is, you need to at least have a mobile-site, if not a sales… Continue reading Should you Be Planning For Mobile? – Mobile Website Builder Review
Founded by Silvio Porcellana in September 2011, is an online tool for creating wonderful mobile phone websites for any business type in a very simple, fast and effective way. The purpose of this amazing application is to allow users to build and manage their personal mobile phone websites by following an easy process. This… Continue reading – Mobile Website Builder Review
Secrets of Mobile Phone Makers: How Do They Promote Their Products?
Mobile phone marketing is big business. With the competition between manufacturers and service providers increasing constantly, the necessity for a company to put their products across to the general population successfully requires a large amount of tact and money. They will attempt this through a variety of traditional and less traditional means, of which some… Continue reading Secrets of Mobile Phone Makers: How Do They Promote Their Products?
LG Mobile Phones with Motorola Bluetooth
Bluetooth is referred to as the wireless protocol that enables communication between two different devices. Bluetooth connects phones, computers, and other types of devices and enables compatibility. As long as both devices have Bluetooth, then they can be linked up together. Bluetooth increases the functionality of the phone and many people are happy with the… Continue reading LG Mobile Phones with Motorola Bluetooth
5 Mobile Apps to Help You With Low Cost Travel
Just a few years ago, smartphones were still regarded as a luxury item. Fortunately, the time has come when these devices are getting more and more common, and it shouldn’t be too long before they become the standard type of phone for most people. This is a good thing indeed, since there are numerous mobile… Continue reading 5 Mobile Apps to Help You With Low Cost Travel
Mobile Apps That Will Save You Money
Today’s smartphones can help us do a lot—we can check email, scour the Internet, check our bank statements, keep a daily calendar—the list goes on and on. Smartphones can cost a hefty amount of money, but paying this large fee up front can actually help save you money in the long run. Smartphones allow you… Continue reading Mobile Apps That Will Save You Money
The Five Deadly Sins Of 4G Mobile Phone Technology
This introduction to 4G was provided by guest author, Daniel Offer. Daniel offer operates the Facebook login application, Chit Chat for Facebook. His Facebook download makes it possible to access Facebook chat on your desktop. Even my mother has one eye on her current mobile phone, and her other eye on the mobile phone that… Continue reading The Five Deadly Sins Of 4G Mobile Phone Technology
Drivers Turning to Mobile Gadgets to Stay Connected
Mobile technology is becoming the standard in computing and staying connected. With smartphones able to accomplish more than in the past, users are finding new ways to utilize their mobile gadgets to keep on top of information, stay social, and even complete work. Now even truckers are using mobile gadgets to stay connected with customers… Continue reading Drivers Turning to Mobile Gadgets to Stay Connected
Mobile And Computer Viruses 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC]
In the modern digital age, computer viruses have grown into one of the biggest problems amongst those who own a PC or laptop (even Mac owners now have to deal with potential viruses), but they’re now also a major problem for smartphone owners – particularly those that run on the Android operating system. So how… Continue reading Mobile And Computer Viruses 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC]