Planetary defence involves the formulation of a system to protect the Earth and its inhabitants from the impact of comets, asteroids or other large pieces of space debris. This term was first used by NASA scientists and the U.S. Air Force Space Command after they realised that the Earth is bombarded sporadically by natural objects… Continue reading 3 Planetary Defence Systems To Prevent Armageddon
NASA Technologies Help Treat Acne Through Its SATOP Program
Acne is a very common skin condition known to cause a lot of irritation. Numerous cases are experienced across the world with the US alone having close to 90 million people suffering from this condition. Acne appears on the face and shoulders and sometimes on the arms and legs among many other places on the… Continue reading NASA Technologies Help Treat Acne Through Its SATOP Program
Space is Open for Exploration
Decades of children have idolized astronauts and dreamed of a possible future in space. In July, NASA’s Space Shuttle Atlantis returned to earth. The craft has the distinction of being the first reusable shuttle, and the last scheduled human flight in space on American craft. The decision to end NASA’s Constellation program is bittersweet. It… Continue reading Space is Open for Exploration
Farming On Mars? It May Be The Future
When we consider space colonization, some of the complications we’ll face are food production, oxygen production and waste filtration. We could spend years of research and vast sums of money creating systems to do this, or carry foodstuffs from Earth, but why do that when it seems we could just plant crops to do it… Continue reading Farming On Mars? It May Be The Future