Shoppers who use cash are far less valuable to supermarkets than those with scores of coupons holding up the line in front of you. Supermarkets and consumer goods companies want to know the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and what type of consumer buys their products. This information is vital to their marketing efforts, but… Continue reading How Supermarkets Use Technology To Track Food And You
Tag: offer
Enjoy The Benefits Of Free Advertising Space
Online websites offering free advertising space have become popular and this is as more businesses discover the benefits they can reap from the venture. Unlike in the past, the internet has become a major source of communication and a portal for carrying out business. This means that people spend a significant time online. The availability… Continue reading Enjoy The Benefits Of Free Advertising Space
4 Cool Pest Control Mobile Apps
Pest control has come a long way from the days of the phone book. Today, exterminators are just as tech savvy and social media aware as the rest of the world. One of the most convenient revolutions in the extermination world is the use of apps. Here are four kinds of pest control apps that… Continue reading 4 Cool Pest Control Mobile Apps
Vouchercloud: The No.1 Mobile Discount Voucher App
Vouchercloud is the number one voucher app and it’s easy to see why. Available on both iPhone and Android and with over one million downloads; this is the app for anyone looking to save money by finding a bargain or deal. Vouchercloud The app includes quite a range of categories which you can select from… Continue reading Vouchercloud: The No.1 Mobile Discount Voucher App
Conversion Rate Optimisation: DIY Tips For Business Owners
Search engine optimisation is something we have all gradually come to know a little about, or at least have heard of. Conversion rate optimisation is something that is still not widely known of. In many respects conversion rate optimisation is just as important, or actually more important. While strong SEO is imperative at drawing in… Continue reading Conversion Rate Optimisation: DIY Tips For Business Owners
Protecting Your Mobile Phone From Life’s Little Mishaps
Ah, at last, a bright shiny, all singing, all dancing new mobile phone. Whether it’s an iPhone, myPhone, or simply a to die for phone, there’s one thing for certain, it’s just vibration away from getting scratched, dropped and losing its out of the box beauty. So how to protect the poor fragile half a… Continue reading Protecting Your Mobile Phone From Life’s Little Mishaps
Software In The Cloud
One of the biggest attraction for businesses converting over to cloud based infrastructures are the services that is has to offer as part of that transition. Companies who rely on computers and technologies spend thousands upon thousands of pounds each year on licenses for software. Generally, the bigger the business, the bigger the number of… Continue reading Software In The Cloud
Engineering Important For RC Vehicles
As a consumer individuals are often overwhelmed by the sheer number of remote control vehicles available for purchase. These vehicles are made available by a variety of rc distributors. Whether it be for a son or daughter or an individual simply a reliving of an old past time people of all walks of life enjoy… Continue reading Engineering Important For RC Vehicles
The Customers Guide To Choosing A Web Hosting Company
An important element to online success is choosing the right web hosting provider for your business. Choosing the right hosting provider is not as easy as it seems. How will you know what questions to ask or what options should be available? How can you be sure you are choosing the right provider since there… Continue reading The Customers Guide To Choosing A Web Hosting Company
What Should You Look For In Mobile Broadband?
If you’re considering mobile broadband then you’ll want to be absolutely clear on what you’re getting for your money and what you will be able to do with your mobile broadband. Unlike standard home broadband, mobile broadband has a few more intricacies and it can be harder to get the right deal for you. With… Continue reading What Should You Look For In Mobile Broadband?