Reading a thriller written in 1998 and set in Florida, I was amazed to realize that the hero, a tough private eye, searched the paper Yellow Pages for information. 1998? It’s not the stone age! Yet who looks up the paper edition (if it still exists) of anything when you have it all available on… Continue reading Local Is Beautiful
Tag: promo code
Top 3 Weight loss and Fitness Apps for iPhone and iPad
Between gulping down a soda and stuffing my mouth with a burger, I noticed a stranger looking at me. Of course, soon I realised that the stranger was no distant relative of Jahba the Hutt, but my own reflection. Suddenly, I found myself in combat mode – on a mission against my weight. Helping me… Continue reading Top 3 Weight loss and Fitness Apps for iPhone and iPad
Six Features you Should be Looking for When Conducting a Web Based Seminar
The history of Internet is full of novel ideas and mind-boggling technologies. Some of these technologies or innovations are a little too complex to be embraced by all and sundry (Google Waves comes to mind), mainly because the general public either fails to understand the basics of the technology, or they fail to see any… Continue reading Six Features you Should be Looking for When Conducting a Web Based Seminar
Safety Precautions In Social Media
We are existing in a humanity of data burden. In fact, the utterance of “burden” is even an irony. Left, right, front, back and side to side – far and wide you can see that there are reports, narrative, a blog post, a tweet and the people is talking about it all day long. From… Continue reading Safety Precautions In Social Media
How to Make Good Use of Verizon Wireless Promo Code
It is always appropriate to make savings whenever you go out shopping. While you may not realize the immediate effect of such a move, you will not imagine the amount you have been able to save over time. Because you communicate on a regular basis using your mobile phone, it is one area you need… Continue reading How to Make Good Use of Verizon Wireless Promo Code