6 Questions Regarding The Role Of Tape Backup In Disaster Recovery

The use of tape backup for disaster recovery purposes has continued to decline as disk backups become the industry standard.  Over the past 24 months, there has been a lot of talk about whether or not tape is a dying technology.  While it is not used as much as it used to be, it still… Continue reading 6 Questions Regarding The Role Of Tape Backup In Disaster Recovery

Create QR Code

What are QR codes? QR codes are special kinds of barcodes that are made to scan into a mobile device. A QR code is read by a special application can be downloaded for free on a mobile device. QR codes are used by many businesses to advertise certain aspects of their company to consumers in… Continue reading Create QR Code

What To Look For In A SMTP Hosting Company

What is a SMTP Hosting Company? First we must definite what SMTP is. Your SMTP, standing for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, hosting company handles electronic mail communications. The hosting company operates and maintains an SMTP server that plays a crucial role in the success of email transmissions. The server send email communications between you and… Continue reading What To Look For In A SMTP Hosting Company

The Advantages Of Bespoke Design

The design process that comes as part of so many different functions and facilities can take a very fixed and repetitive route or it can encompass much higher and varied types of creativity tailored to fit a specific need. This is something that could be considered to be true of a number of areas and… Continue reading The Advantages Of Bespoke Design

The Role Of Float Switches In Waterproofing

In a vast range of different industries, liquid level sensing is a very important aspect of measurement. Radiators, oil reservoirs, anti freeze devices are among the vast range of products that need liquid level switches in order to work. They come in a large number of different shapes and sizes and requirements of the individual… Continue reading The Role Of Float Switches In Waterproofing

5 Ways Technology Rules Modern Offices

Technology has radically transformed modern society. In the office, however, it can be difficult to notice how incremental changes affect work. Taking a step back reveals how large this change has been and how technology truly rules modern offices. 1) Document Creation Documents are still important to business, and regulations will likely ensure that paperless… Continue reading 5 Ways Technology Rules Modern Offices

Online Gaming Increasing In Popularity

Online gaming has really taken centre stage when it comes to playing any game these days, whether you are playing on your desktop computer, laptop, gaming console or smart phone, all games are played via the internet. The one thing we can be really thankful for is the fact that the internet connections have improved.… Continue reading Online Gaming Increasing In Popularity

Imperial Power of Software Testing – TaaS

There are some steps you need to follow when you are about to implement your software engineering skills and software testing is one of them. I have been project manager to implement Enterprise Resource Planning in spinning mill and personally I can say that each and every principal of software engineering owns an importance. You… Continue reading Imperial Power of Software Testing – TaaS

Fight Allergies With Fingertip Technology

When allergy season rolls around every year, it can feel like the only thing that can help you fight off the allergies is a pill and nasal sprays. That’s not a bad thing, of course; if you have the right medical equipment at your disposal and you’ve talked to your doctor about these issues, then… Continue reading Fight Allergies With Fingertip Technology

The Top Five Key Job Functions Of The Contract Manager

The role of a contract manager is vital to any business. This is the person who understands the needs of a company inside and out, making them most capable of managing processes from requesting proposals to analyzing the risks involved based on obligations met or failed. To help ease the burden of the person in… Continue reading The Top Five Key Job Functions Of The Contract Manager