Social Networks: ‘Social’ Dating is The Big Message For 2011

The concept of social dating is basically a hybrid of what we commonly know as online dating or social networking. For those keeping abreast of the blogosphere social world, you’ll have noticed that social dating is the big message out there for singles right now.

7 Rules Of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know

Facebook promotion is not a simple thing. Not reading the rules and knowing local laws can lead to a Facebook ban. In some cases, the marketer can be charged for running an unlawful promotion. The following tips will help you avoid common and costly mistakes. 1. “Like this page for a chance at a free… Continue reading 7 Rules Of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know

Samsung Continuum

Samsung is back with its latest innovation of Smartphones. The Samsung Continuum, which is basically carried by Verizon, is the new addition to their wide array of Smartphones running on Android. People are raving about Samsung’s Galaxy S Android phones as they’re ultimately fast with Samsung’s Touch Wiz 3.0 software. Now here is a new… Continue reading Samsung Continuum

How Facebook Trumped Myspace

The Stats Thanks to an infograph released earlier this year from we know that there are half a billion active Facebook users, with around half logged in every day. 71% of the U.S. web audience are Facebook users and over New Year’s weekend an unprecedented 750 million photographs were uploaded to Facebook accounts. Some… Continue reading How Facebook Trumped Myspace

How to Encourage Participation on Twitter

Many individuals and businesses are beginning to see the benefit of having a Twitter account. Twitter, which was created in March of 2006, has become one of the fastest growing social networking websites today. There are over 200 million users and it is estimated that over 60 million tweets are sent out via Twitter on… Continue reading How to Encourage Participation on Twitter

“Facebook with its aspect of future vision”

Internet is constantly budding with so many users and they rapidly turn towards Internet for searching information and solutions to their problems. An event of technology for marketing and advertising held every year in UK. In this event different companies advertise their products and services. Many exhibitions and seminars held at this event, advertisers and… Continue reading “Facebook with its aspect of future vision”

The New and Improved Photoshop World Conference Application

With Photoshop World Vegas just 1 week away, the majority of people are beginning to lock down their schedules and making decisions on the classes they wish to attend. Last year, whilst using the app, many people loved it, but what was noticeably absent was that you were not able to add items to your… Continue reading The New and Improved Photoshop World Conference Application

Blekko: Slashtag Search

Blekko can score as a search engine though an attempt has been made to tout its social networking abilities. This scoring is done by its professed ability to junk out the spam sites, which are proliferating the web. The approach is refreshingly new. Instead of the standard search engine methodology of key words and algorithms… Continue reading Blekko: Slashtag Search

GetGlue: Social Networking and Media Addicts

When you stample into GetGlue the first thing that would come into many peoples mind would be; is this yet another social network? Many people are not remotely keen on engaging themselves in another social network app from their iphones. Surprisingly enough, many have discovered that GetGlue has so much more to offer. They have… Continue reading GetGlue: Social Networking and Media Addicts