If you use email and own a mobile phone, you probably encounter spam on a daily basis. Before we assess the full scale of the problem today and explore what can be done about it, let’s take a look at the origins of the modern electronic spam phenomenon… A Brief History of Spam In 1864,… Continue reading Can We Ever Win The War On Spam?
Are You On Top Of Email Archiving?
If you work for yourself, you might generate and receive a few dozen emails a day. If you have a small team of employees, then your business will probably send and receive five times as many emails than you would alone. That may not seem a great number and, indeed, if your company does a… Continue reading Are You On Top Of Email Archiving?
Understanding Spam
It is estimated that spam makes up to between 60% and 90% of all email communications, and with such numbers it is no surprise that a whole industry is dedicated to protecting us from them. Although most of us associate spam with marketing or advertising, it is actually not what defines it, but rather the… Continue reading Understanding Spam
GDI, Multi-Level Marketing, And Pyramid Schemes
So, being an Internet marketer myself, I am pretty well aware of what Twitter is able to do for your website (in terms of marketing and turning traffic into dollars). That being said, I have never really dove into Twitter before. It is something that I have been holding off for, for a long time.
Keyword Stuffing is Spam – Not SEO!
This is a guest post by Stacey, of UK Digital Marketing Agency, Tecmark: SEO London. As someone who works in SEO on a daily basis, I like to think I can spot techniques and/or content applied to a website specifically for that purpose. But in actual fact, it really shouldn’t ever be all that obvious… Continue reading Keyword Stuffing is Spam – Not SEO!