Disaster And Social Media

Face it: we’re living in the age of technology. You’re hard-pressed these days to come across a young adult who doesn’t have a Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account at the very least, and a large percentage have smartphones so they can be connected to these platforms of interaction whenever they please. It’s a fact we… Continue reading Disaster And Social Media

Tip To Turn Tweets Into Leads

Are you running an attractive twitter account? You can generate more leads in less time using the social network. Twitter helps you spread the word with real speed if you work the microblogging platform effectively. You can make your point quickly, in 140 characters. You can attract an increasing number of followers with ease and… Continue reading Tip To Turn Tweets Into Leads

How Do Brands Lose Credibility And Customers Online?

This article looks at common mistakes made by businesses online, predominantly through social media sites, which can terminally damage their reputation and customer relationships. Hard to Get, Easy to Lose Your driving licence, the lover of your dreams, and your reputation are three things that the above heading could easily be linked to. Thankfully we… Continue reading How Do Brands Lose Credibility And Customers Online?

Remedy A Holiday Accident Using Twitter

Having a holiday accident can not only spoil your break but also cause long-term injury. Holiday accidents are becoming more common and road accidents are now the most common type of holiday accident. However, slips and trips, falls from height such as balconies, and swimming pool accidents regularly make the headlines. Twitter is one of… Continue reading Remedy A Holiday Accident Using Twitter

How To Get Noticed By Twitter Power Users

Power users on Twitter, and on any other social network, are the ones with great influence measured by the number of their followers, the engagement of their followers and the overall impact of their words – or tweets. They can be industry leaders in your niche, maybe (probably) your competitors, but also people who aren’t… Continue reading How To Get Noticed By Twitter Power Users

How To Get More Out Of Your Twitter Presence

Twitter has been around for quite a long time now. Over the years many different techniques of using it for various purposes have seen the daylight. Some of them work till this day and some simply faded into the past. However, the fact still remains … Twitter is great for expanding your reach online, no… Continue reading How To Get More Out Of Your Twitter Presence

Five Ways For Your Local Business To Get Your Customers Talking

Figuring out how best to engage your customers can seem a confusing and daunting task at times with the multitude of in person and virtual avenues. However, maintaining and growing your business depends on your business’ success in this area. So today, I’m going to share five ways you can get a great conversation about… Continue reading Five Ways For Your Local Business To Get Your Customers Talking

The Easier Ways Of Making Money On Twitter

Many people use social media to waste their precious time. Some serious guys use twitter to do some thing useful. They make money spending part of their time on twitter. You can equally make money from twitter via the following ways: 1) Selling your products for twitter People like Loren Brichter have come up with… Continue reading The Easier Ways Of Making Money On Twitter

What Will Happen To Our Online Data In The Future?

The issue of data handling still never bothers us now. We are in the era wherein everything seems stable. But imagine one day, may be a hundred or so years from now. Will we still be able to access the data that we uploaded in social media sites, email accounts, or in any other online… Continue reading What Will Happen To Our Online Data In The Future?

How To Use Twitter To Monitor Gold Investment News

Yes, with Twitter you can get the latest celebrity gossip or find out what your friends are doing every minute of the day, but Twitter can also be a terrific source for timely information and news about gold investments. Many individuals and companies tweet about gold prices, owning gold coins and bullion, and investing in… Continue reading How To Use Twitter To Monitor Gold Investment News