So, being an Internet marketer myself, I am pretty well aware of what Twitter is able to do for your website (in terms of marketing and turning traffic into dollars). That being said, I have never really dove into Twitter before. It is something that I have been holding off for, for a long time.
Tag: wasn
Why Did Apple Ditch the MacBook?
Innovation. Style. Desirability. Three keywords that sum up Apple’s appeal to the mainstream market. Apple’s ubiquitous ‘i’ range has fans from all walks of life. Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin, and aficionado of the platform chose it to launch his monthly multimedia magazine: Project, during a big press conference at the Crosby Street Hotel.… Continue reading Why Did Apple Ditch the MacBook?
Apples for Droids: Why I’m Contemplating Crawling Back to Apple Despite Preferring Android
I’m a creature of [obsessive compulsive] habit; the idea of change tends to freak me out somewhat. As such, when the time came for me to upgrade my mobile phone, I was struck by two feelings: excitement at getting my hands on some new tech and an exorable, deep rooted apprehension. I had been able… Continue reading Apples for Droids: Why I’m Contemplating Crawling Back to Apple Despite Preferring Android
Is Your Industry Using Social Media?
It seems as if everyone and their business is on the social media bandwagon. There are many good reasons for using social media in order to communicate with customers and meet potential customers. Indeed, social media can be an effective marketing tool if used correctly. However, using social media in certain industries or in certain… Continue reading Is Your Industry Using Social Media?
Joomla! v/s DotNetNuke: Head-on
We have nothing against WordPress or Blogspot. They are great places to start blogging, and are the best options for those who don’t want to do anything too serious. Anyone looking to build a half-decent website, however, will find these platforms lacking. So was the case with me, when I was asked to build a… Continue reading Joomla! v/s DotNetNuke: Head-on
Nokia-Microsoft Strategic Alliance: Win-Win or Lose-Lose?
A lot has been written about Microsoft and Nokia in the past few days – some of it good, most of it bad. We at Techwench have taken a long look at the Nokia-Microsoft Alliance and we thought we’d pitch in with our own two cents. History was re-written on February 11, 2011 when Nokia… Continue reading Nokia-Microsoft Strategic Alliance: Win-Win or Lose-Lose?
Reviews on Both the Optoma PK201 and PK301 Pico Projectors
Small Review: There are very few downfalls about these pico projectors, and they seemed to take some really nice pictures with wonderful contrast.
Pocket Amp Review by Palmer
I reviewed quite a bit of portable musical devices, like synthesizers and such and so I wasn’t surprised when I got this pocket amp. I was surprised at how much I liked it, though.