The Advantages Of Mobile Marketing

You’ve heard a lot about mobile marketing, but you’re not sure if it’s right for your business. That’s a very legitimate concern, because it’s true that mobile marketing isn’t for everyone. There are many considerations to make before you launch any mobile marketing campaigns or initiatives. If you’re wondering what the advantages to your business might be, here’s a quick look at some of the reasons many businesses choose to make a mobile marketing effort.

Direct and Personal Connection
For many people, a smartphone is the most essential device that is used on a very frequent and consistent basis. If someone loses their smartphone, it’s often a devastating event for so many reasons, like the loss of information, cost of replacement, or inconvenience of losing such a cool, easy way to connect with the rest of the world. If you can reach people on their smartphones, you’re in an excellent position to connect with them on a very personal level. In addition, connecting to people through their smartphones is one of the most direct ways to communicate with them.

Relatively Low Cost
Right now, mobile marketing is still relatively new, and that means it’s still relatively inexpensive when compared to most other forms of marketing. Mobile ad space can be very cheap. Mobile efforts like the use of QR codes, SMS campaigns, and a mobile version of your website do not cost a lot of money. Perhaps the biggest expense might be building a mobile app, but the price of that will certainly continue to rise. Right now is a great time to get in on mobile marketing. The low cost can mean a much greater return on investment with a successful strategy.

Reach Local Buyers Instantly
People rely on their smartphones, and they frequently use them to assist in making purchases. With mobile marketing, it’s much easier for you to reach customers in the exact moments that they’re most likely to purchase from you. For example, GPS can allow you to send customers a coupon when they’re located close to your store. When they’re searching for a restaurant to eat at, mobile marketing can allow you to come up on their radar. A well-timed SMS campaign can reach customers at the most opportune time for your particular type of business. Participation in programs like Foursquare can give customers an incentive for purchasing from you while they’re out-and-about.

Tracking Customer Habits
The analytics you get from visits to your website and social media pages, for example, help you to learn what works best – and what doesn’t – for your business and sales. A mobile marketing campaign can give you even more insight to the habits and preferences of users. The different ways they can interact with you via their smartphone, such as with checking in, using your app, or responding to your text messages, will all give you new and valuable information that will only help you fine-tune all of your marketing efforts and grow your business.

This article about the advantages of mobile marketing was written by Jacob Smith for SEOMap the Keyword Strategy experts. You can read more of their work at Sexy Social Media.