The G Drive Mini

G Drive Mini

This portable drive will be the great choice for the people who are in need of USB connection. This unit is available for 89 dollars and has various practical uses.

The drive is light weighed like other devices and it contains one socket for USB port. It also has a power button and a socket for connecting DC supply. All the cables and wires are placed well inside the box. It is being formatted for using in OSX only which is fair enough on the part of its manufacturer. If you are using Windows then initially you may experience some difficulty in installing this drive (Mini) on your computer. This drive of high power is placed well inside the strong aluminum wall for ensuring protection. The speed it produced on USB was reasonable and nothing was observed in particular. And I concluded that if you are on look out for substitute for USB then this is not the right choice.

As soon as I tested SSD version of G drive I was totally impressed by its amazing speed. But that was priced over thousand dollars ($1300) with 250GB capacity. After interacting with Mini I have now changed my view. It would be better if G drive could accommodate SSD instead of HDD. With its less weight and portability you should be careful before placing it in your bag since there are chances for breakage.

Apart from USB connection, its design can be its plus point for selling hot. Its fit design is flexible enough for using it anywhere. I tried this drive Mini for installing games from Xbox on the TV and it works great. You can very well use it with any other electronic device.

Mini Drive will be the right choice for users of Apple phones. It combines efficiently with all phones from Apple and is easy to carry due to its light weight. In order to avoid breakage I prefer to buy SSD version. If you are on look out for High Definition Drive of cheap models along with ports for FW then Mini is the best choice. I would spend $20 extra for selecting a 500 GB capacity which needs more space.


This Mini combines well with any Apple device and designed well for portable use. It is easily connectable and works silently, priced reasonably for $89.


It does not support SSD version but only HDD, and it does not contain USB 3.0.


Mini is highly portable and occupies less space. It has 500 GB capacity for additional storage. It is compatible for Windows also.

Comparison of two models

Its dual interface model consists of 2.0 USB port and Fire wire 400.

Its triple interface unit has 2.0 USB panel, Fire wire 400 plus additional 800.

Both are handy and less weight.

Works silently and it is built for suiting any device of Apple, computers and laptops. This comes with a three years warranty. Drive with 250 GB capacity is priced $90 and drive with 500 GB capacity is priced $110.