The Key Elements of an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

If you use your website to advertise products but do not know the value of email marketing, then you might as well be winking to a lady in the dark. If done well, email marketing is one of the best ways to win new customers and keep old ones coming back. Here, are some of the essential elements of a successful email marketing campaign.

B2B email marketing

1. Have a Targeted Email List

Well, the most obvious element of a successful email campaign is having a well written email. On average, people rarely waste more than thirty seconds looking into emails that they were not really expecting, unless the particular email has captured their attention. You will need to realize that the best way to reach a responsive customer base is to focus on those people that have subscribed to receive your emails already. Identify different areas of interest in your customer base and divide emails into groups that correspond to the interest areas.

2. Make Sure Your Email has a Great Subject Line

Take an example of an email that starts with ‘Earn $$$ with my new Clicxense software’. Chances are the recipient will regard it as spam that was not filtered, right? Well, in order to capture the reader’s attention, you have to come up with a subject line that will prompt the reader to open the email. Be succinct and truthful in your title. In order to pass the spam filters, there are certain words that you should always avoid in the subject line. These include; free offer, 100%, best price, call free, free installation, cash bonus among many others.

3. Make the Email Personal

It is very easy to build trust once you make the email more personal. People usually read emails that are personally addressed to them faster than they read general and impersonal emails. Make use of words that make an email sound like it is directed to the reader alone.

4. Make the Emails Easy to Read

Did you know that over 80 percent of internet surfers spend less than a minute on a webpage on average? Well, the same goes to emails. One of the things that make content more appealing is readability. Instead of having one mass of story, break it up into paragraphs, add bullet points and if possible even images. This way, the email will be easy on the eyes and hence appealing. Do not forget to make use of fonts that are easily legible. Lastly, include a single link that leads to your page in the email.

5. Including Contact Info and Opt Out Possibility

One of the easiest ways to build trust in customers to be is including your name in the contact information. People will believe what you have to sell more if you include contact information in your emails. In addition to that, make sure that you provide a link for readers to unsubscribe from the mailing list whenever they so wish. There is no need to keep wasting time sending emails to people that are not really interested in your goods.